Chapter 22

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The funeral service is held the next day. People came and expresses their condolences towards Mrs. Kim and Minju.

"I am sorry for your loss."

"You are in our thoughts and prayers."

Those are the words Minju kept hearing people say and she's getting really sick of hearing it. She can't really think straight because of the overwhelming emotions that she's feeling at the moment.

She felt like she has lost everything. But at the same time she needs to be strong for her mother. Seeing her mother so sad and vulnerable turns out to be heartbreaking for her. Her always tough, always strict mother.

"Mom, you should get some rest. I can wait here." She held her mother's hand.

"It's okay Minju-ya, I still have some energy left."

"Okay, but please don't push yourself." Minju was about to go back to where she was until her mother stopped her.


"Yes mom?"

"You've been such a great daughter to me." She smiled at her. "Go, sit with your boyfriend."

"Okay mom." She blushed when she heard her mother's last statement.

Y/N is sitting in the corner of the room with his black suit. Also bowing and helping the people that came to the service.

"Hey, you've been here since morning, you should go home now." She sat next to him on the floor.

"I can't leave you alone Minju... Not after what happened." She can see that he's worried about her. "I'm fine, just a little tired." She did an okay sign with her hand.

"You're the one who should rest you know?"

'Her eyes are puffy... You need to stay strong Minju-ya.'

"Yeah.. maybe I should." Minju then layed her head on his lap. "Can you stroke my hair Y/N?" She then closes her eyes.

"Of course I can Minmin-ah." He then began stroking her hair.

"I love you Kim Minju."

"I love you too Song Y/N."

Minju's eyes are slowly getting heavier. Not long after Y/N stroke her hair, she fell asleep.


A few days later

Y/N was told by Minju to come to her house. Apparently, Mrs. Kim wants to say something to him. He asked Minju what does she want but Minju doesn't know. All she knew is her mother wants to talk to Y/N.

"Hey Minju." Minju immediately hug him after she invited him in. "I don't know what she wants to talk about but just know I'll always be with you." Minju looked up in his eyes.

"Sure, Minmin-ah. I'll always be with you too." She then pulled him to her living room, where her mother is waiting for the both of them.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Kim. I hope you are feeling better." He greeted her. "I'm better than yesterday at least. Please, sit down Y/N."

Y/N and Minju sat the opposite of her with a coffee table separating them.

"I've been thinking about what you said about Minju at the cafe..."

Minju's face turned pale. Will it be something bad? Her mother is a really stubborn person. She can't expect good things to come out from her mouth.

"You're right..."

"I've been too hard on Minju. Sweetie, I'm s-sorry for what I've done to you." A tear escaped her eye and her breathing got heavy.

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