Chapter 1

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The Year 2010
School Grounds

Damn it, everyone around me sounded so happy talking to each other. Well, I guess that's what people do when they have friends.

Is it that bad to be accepted into the school as a scholarship student? I get that all of them are rich and can afford to pay the tuition fee here.

This is what I got for being a "poor" student in this school full of snobs. Shit, another bad day to go through...again.

Why in the hell we need to pay so much amount of money for an education anyway? I should've just stayed in public school.

"Yah poor boy! Remember to get our food during lunch okay?" Shit. I haven't even reached my class yet and those bastards wants me to do their errands.

"Get them yourself. Your legs are fine right?" These guys really thought I'll just willingly be their bread boy? Screw that.

"The fuck you said!?" Ah we go again.

Third Person POV

Y/N usually deals with stuff like this daily. It's the norm around these parts for the rich who have power to trample on the poor and powerless.

The 4 boys that was harassing him earlier is chasing him down after what he said to them. After some time at this school he decided that it's not worth it to just bow down and follow their orders. He has his limits too.

"Shit... I'm getting tired..." Y/N turns at a corner and finds himself at the auditorium. "A fistfight at the auditorium it is." He turns around, preparing himself to face the four boys.

"Yah~! let us teach you a lesson." Minho the leader said while cracking his knuckles. "Bring it!" With that shout, the five of them went at it.

Of course four against one is not really a fair fight. Even though Y/N is good at fighting, he still gets overwhelmed by their numbers.


"Good morning Miss Nara." The boy greeted the school nurse after he entered the room. "Good morni- omo! Y/N! Again?" She freaked out a little considering this is the third time this week he went to the nurse's office.

"Evil always lurking around Miss~" He nonchalantly walks to one of the beds and sits on it. "I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. Nobody deserve this kind of treatment." She grabs the antiseptic cream and put it on the cut oh his lips and left cheek.

"Well if you been dealing with stuff like this for half a year, you'll get used to it." He didn't even wince at the contact of the Q-Tip. That's how used to it he has become.

"Alrighty and we are done." Finally, she put some cotton swab to cover the cut on his cheek and secure it with tape. "Thanks again Miss Nara. When I get rich I'll pay you back twofold!" He jokes at the older woman.

"I'll be waiting for that payment, and Y/N please be more careful next time." She said to the boy before he opens the door. "No promises." He smile at Nara before heading to his class.


Twenty minutes late and for sure Miss Juhee is going to kill me. The universe really don't want me to be at this school, I wish quitting this place is easy but it's not. I can't just reject this opportunity.

I knock on the classroom door three times before hearing a "Come in". Well she certainly seems angry about this. "Song Y/N! Why are you twenty four minutes late to my class!?" Damn, she's so precise.

"I fell down a drain and hurt myself." With that remark, the classroom bursted with laughter. They probably know that I got beat up, but at this point I don't care anymore and it's easier to just lie to the teachers about it.

"So you went to the nurse office to get treated?" She asked me again. "Yes Miss, Miss Nara patched me up. Here." I handed her a letter that Miss Nara wrote earlier.

"Fine. Go take your seat and open page 47. You got some catching up to do. She turned back towards the white board to continue the lesson.

I finally sat down and now...let the day begin...

Third Person POV

"Gosh he got beat up again today." A boy whispered to his friend. "Yeah, what's wrong with him anyway? Taking all that but he didn't even do anything. Don't tell me he's a masochist?" His friend replied to him.

"Pfft probably. He has been like that for about a few months now? He really should just report it to the teachers or something." He said before focusing back to their teacher at the front.

These two boys are Lee Daehwi and Mark Lee. They have been Y/N's classmate since the beginning of highschool. They're not friends or enemies to Y/N but they have interact with him a few times regarding their lessons.

They thought about trying to be his friend but it seems like he's the one who's not up to be anyone's friend. Perhaps because of all the mistreatment at this school that he has gone through?

"Should we be the ones to tell the teachers?" Daehwi once again asked Mark. "He haven't talked to them right? Probably has his own reason, just let him be. Mark responded to Daehwi.

Mark is probably right. Maybe Y/N has his own reason for not telling the teachers.

'It's just, is he not tired dealing with shitty stuff all the time? Even I felt like quitting or something if I went through all of that.' Daehwi thought in his head.


"Finally lunch time." Y/N muttered while he is walking to his usual bench located near the school gym. He's carrying a lunchbox that his dad prepared earlier this morning.

His dad is a brilliant chef at their family's restaurant. The restaurant is pretty successful itself but still couldn't live up to the standard of the people at school.

Lots of them are sons and daughters of CEOs and one day will inherit all of their parents wealth and marry a supermodel or something. Well rich people things that he wouldn't know.

"Alright, time to see what dad has prepared for me today." He opened his lunchbox and lucky for him, his dad prepared beef bulgogi with rice and omelette.

"Thank you father..." He couldn't wait anymore. It's time to dig in. He opened his mouth and just when he wants to put the food in his mouth, he was interrupted by someone.

"That looks delicious. Can I have a taste?" A girl's voice can be heard.

'Oh come on. Am I getting bothered by girls too now? Can't I just eat in peace? At least let me eat in peace! Damn it universe!' After all that rant going on in his head, he finally turned his head towards the voice.

He was speechless when he sees the owner of that gentle voice that was just speaking to him.

"Can I?" The girl insisted again.

'It's the princess.....'

"Kim Minju?"


This story will have 2 timeline. One is adult Song Y/N (2020) and another is high schooler Song Y/N (2010). Don't get confused by it.

Recently, I've discovered Dr. BeBe by Pentagon and it's a bop.

Alright, as usual stay safe & take care of yourself!

HUG | Minju X Male Reader [✓]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin