Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

" didn't get anything to eat?" Y/N asked the girl. It's already weird for the princess of the school to talk to him, but it's even weirder when she even asked if she can eat his lunch.

"You know the cafeteria and the snack bar gets crazy during lunch." She replied. True, the students always buy food like they have not eaten in ten days. "Sure, here." He told her to sit next to him.

He puts a bit of rice, omelettes, and the bulgogi on the lid of his box and gave her. "You can just use my chopsticks. It's okay I haven't used it yet." She took a bite of the food and was completely blown away by the taste.

"Did you made this!? It's delicious!" She gave a thumbs up to Y/N. "My dad did actually. He's a chef, so he's pretty good." He was glad seeing her enjoying the meal. "Wow! Your dad must be the chef of a five star restaurant." Minju complimented it again after another bite.

"Actually, my dad just own a family restaurant. It's not big or anything." He looked down to his lunchbox, feeling proud of what his dad has achieved so far. "Oh! Where are my manners." She put down the utensils and stood up facing him.

"I'm Kim Minju class 2-A." She held out her hand, asking for a handshake. "I already know who you are. Song Y/N. Class 2-C." He shakes her hand. "I guess everybody around here knows me..." She sat back down on the bench but her face is showing a sad expression.

He noticed it. She only showed it for a few seconds before continuing to finish the leftover, but he did noticed the change on her face. 'Why you looked sad when people know about you Kim Minju?'He wonders.


"I don't usually do this but you want to eat more tomorrow? I'll bring a extra lunchbox." I offered Minju. I thought it was probably a bad idea since who knows what her real intentions are? Is she really just wants to eat? Or she just lost to a bet and have to approach me as her punishment? I'm just a nobody anyway, why would The Kim Minju hang out with me?

"Really!? Can you?? I would love to!" Her eyes lit up after hearing my offer. "Sure. Just meet me here during lunch tomorrow." She looked like she's sincere about this. Alright Y/N. Lets just try this once, lets try trusting people at this school.

"I'm must thought I was very rude suddenly asking you for your food." Is that a blushing face I see?

"It's okay, sure it's weird at first. But it's just food, food is more delicious if you share it with someone else." I remembered one of my mom's saying.

" I can pay you." Suddenly she took out her money to pay me. "Minju it's okay, I don't need any payment." The thought of charging her for the food never crossed my mind.

"Lets just say this is me treating you as a fellow student." I mean we are not friends to begin with. I barely knew anything about her except for her name and her status.

" meet you here tomorrow?" She asked me again. "Yes..tomorrow here, same time." I smiled at her. The bell rang, signalling the end of lunchtime. Time to go back to class.

After saying our goodbyes we went our separate ways.

Minju's POV

"Yah Kim Minju why are you so dumb!" I scolded myself after walking away from Y/N. I don't want to asked for the food but I was so hungry because of last night.

Stupid family! I can't even eat in peace. Do we really have to talk about the company all the time? And once we talk about the company we always got into an argument.

But that boy, he feels different. He said his father only own a small family restaurant, so he's not just some CEO's son like everyone else on this damn school.

For now I should look forward to meet him tomorrow.

Third Person POV

When she's walking back to her class her phone rang. She looked at the contact name and it was the last person she wanted to talk to right now. "What." She answered the call rather aggressively.

"Is that the way you talk to your mother Kim Minju?" Yes the person she doesn't want to talk to is none other than her own mother. "Yes, mother why are you calling me." She fixed her tone to a more polite one.

"Make sure you don't have any other plans after school, I'm taking you to go meet with CEO Yang's son. Wear something nice okay? You need to look presentable." Minju really hated these little rendezvous that her mother always set up for her.

Most of the guys she met always want two things. Her family's money or her body, mostly both. Sometimes, there's people that are just plain rude to her. It's a lot to take in for an eighteen year old girl.

"Fine. But if he's an asshole I'm leaving." She responded to her mother. "Kim Minju! Watch your wor-" She hang up before her mother could finish her nagging.

"Oh hey school princess... Going back to class?" Another person stepped in to ruin her good mood from the food earlier. "Yes, the bell rang earlier right?" She maintained a poker face. She doesn't want any trouble in dealing with Chaejin, the other super posh girl in this school.

"Ooh feisty today aren't you? Heard you're meeting with Yang Group's heir today. Careful, he's really touchy. Ooopss I forget that you actually like stuff like that HAHA." Chaejin walked away from her. She swear if Chaejin said more she'll probably lose it.

"Okay Kim Minju. Let it go." She took a deep breath before continuing to walk back to her class.


Sorry, Flower updates will be a bit slower.

For the time being please enjoy Hug.

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