Chapter 19

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"Ah choo~" Minju's little sneeze woke Y/N up.

"I'm sorry. You feel cold?" He lifted his head off of her shoulder. It made her shoulder felt a little lonely. "Only a bit." She answered.

Y/N then gets up and took a jacket from his rucksack from the compartment space above their seat. "Here, wear it. It'll warm you up." She then put on his jacket.

She feels warm when she wears it. Not only because of the jacket, but it's also because of the scent that covers the jacket. It's like Y/N is hugging her.

"It's your turn now. Come on." Y/N patted his shoulder, inviting her to put her head. "Can I?" She look up at him. "Minmin, of course you can."

"Since when that became my name?"

"You don't like it? Fine, I'll just call you Minju then."

"I didn't say I don't like it. Pabo!" She then lean in and lay her head on his shoulder. Y/N then heard a chuckle coming from Minju.

"What so funny?"

"We haven't even reached Busan yet but I'm having so much fun. And I'm together with you. So I don't have anything to worry about."

Usually he's the one to always make her flustered. But, this time it's her turn to make him feel all giddy inside.

"Yeah... You don't have to worry about anything. Because I am here."


Busan Station

"Finally we're here."

They stretched their bodies after almost a 3 hour train ride from Seoul to Busan. "My teacher told me we should take a cab to the villa resort. He'll be waiting for us at the front desk." Y/N then hailed a cab and the two make their way to the place they will be staying at.


"Geez I was so worried about you two. I couldn't get into contact with you Y/N." Mr. Hwang and the rest of the teachers can finally breathe after all of their students reached the villa, safe and sound.

"Sorry Mr. Hwang. My phone died about halfway through the trip." Y/N bowed to him. "It's okay, at least you two are here now." He puts his hands on Y/N's shoulder, telling him it's okay.

"By the way, Kim Minju. Your room will be room 1212, and Y/N, your room will be room 2910. Your group mates are already in the room. You can go take a rest now before we leave for our dinner later this evening."

"Thank you Mr. Hwang."

Y/N and Minju went to their room. In which both got an earful from their friends because of their carelessness in managing their time.

They all rested and can do whatever they want within the resort before they have to gather for dinner. The boys decided to try the hot tub, sitting five feet apart cause they're not ga--. Moving on...

Later that night the students had a lovely dinner provided by the resort. Too bad Y/N and Minju couldn't join the short activity they had earlier today because of them running late.

But of course there's always tomorrow...

The Next Day...

"Now listen up, until our meeting time, everyone is free to do as they wish. Please don't break any rules and stay safe." The lead teacher for the trip announced.

"And most importantly, please have fun!"

"Okay!!!" All of them answered in unison.

They're given the time to explore the city on their own until the evening. This is what the students are actually waiting for. The best part of the trip.

HUG | Minju X Male Reader [✓]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ