Chapter 5

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The Year 2020

Third Person POV

Telephones can be heard ringing all over the place, people are conversing and writing at the same time, and criminals are being put inside the jail cells. A typical day at the Gangnam Police Station.

The already loud place is surprised by the sudden yelling coming from the Captain's room. "How can you be so careless!" Y/N is receiving another earful from his captain. "It's not my fault sir. Detective Park is the one that let the perp get away."

The Captain didn't like his response one bit. His face went from angry to a complete blank one, which is worse for Y/N. "Look Y/N from my point of view, it's both of you guys' fault. Park followed the plan but he couldn't execute it smoothly." The Captain then finally sat back down on his chair.

"You have more experienced than him, you shouldn't be careless like that." Y/N realized what his Captain said was right, he should know how to fix the problem on the spot.

"Help yourself first before helping others."

"Go think about what you did and then advise Park about how he can improve it." "Yes sir." Y/N saluted his Captain before excusing himself. After all that scolding he feels like he wants to drink something sweet.


He puts the money in the slot before choosing the drink of his choice. Energy drink as usual, the sugar helps him think clearly. He managed to took a sip before his phone vibrates indicating he is receiving a call from someone.


I looked at the contact name and it is none other than my mother. "Hello mom." I answered the phone. "Hey I've set up another blind date for you." This is probably the last thing I wanted to hear right now.

"Mom please for the tenth time, I'm not interested." I hope my mother could take the hint from my unsatisfied voice and just stop . "You really want to stand up another girl Y/N?"  She is not going to give up easily is she?

"Mom I don't even want to blind date in the first place. If you didn't set this up, we wouldn't be in this position." I sighed. "I'm busy at work, right now I have no interest in meeting any women." Got to give it to her, my mother is persistent.

"If you're not interested in women then do you want to meet men then?" Wow, so this is where we're going with this conversation.

"Mom.. please.."

"Or do you want Kim Minju?"

"Mom! What are you talking about?" I accidentally raised my voice and now I have lots of people staring at me. Shit. "Mom, why would you bring her up?" I whispered at my phone.

"I've forgotten about her. Who is she anyway?" I didn't forget about her. I always remember her. "Don't lie to me Y/N, Hoseok already told me you've been talking a lot about her lately." Curse you hyung, you've been a spy all this time.

"No mom, it's not like that. Hoseok hyung just talking about nonsense. I gotta go, got to shoot up some bad guys." That hyung will surely be hearing from me tonight.

"Fine. I'll cancel your blind date too. I love you." Oh thank goodness she gets it. "Thank you mom. Love you too."


Later that day in the evening...

Third Person POV

"But it's true, isn't it? You always talk about this Kim Minju girl when you're drunk." Hoseok attacking Y/N.

"Hyung, what are you talking about? I barely even think about her." Y/N's plan of scolding his Hoseok hyung has totally failed. "It's just sometimes she just randomly shows up in my head. Nothing more than that."

"Yeah sure, I get that. I guess Kim Minju was someone really special to you." Hoseok took a big bite of his grilled beef. They're currently having dinner in a restaurant.

Hoseok is Y/N's friend when he was in the police academy. Training together for four years definitely produced a deep bond between the two. Now they're both detectives.

"Anyway, you said you only knew Kim Minju for three days?" Hoseok asked the younger guy. "Yes, we ate lunch together and talk a bit. Other than that, we never met." Y/N answered him.

"I see... Well, it do be like that. The shorter you know someone the more intense it is, the more passionate you become." Hoseok nodded at his logic of a crush.

Y/N snickered at Hoseok's way of thinking. "Talking about your school days, I still don't understand about your no friends part." Hoseok lifted his right eyebrow, questioning Y/N.

"I went to a rich people school. They don't want to be friends with a poor student and I am a poor student. What's so hard about it?" Y/N answered.

"Well that's how 2010 Y/N thought at the time. When I think about it now... The reason I don't have any friends is actually myself..."

The Year 2010

"Come on Y/N. Just give me the book and we'll leave you alone." Minho said after he gave Y/N a slap in the face. "You really thought I'll give you my book after what you just did? No wonder you need to copy from my exercise book. Y'all are stupid as hell." Y/N snickered.

"Oh you're just asking to be hurt again huh poor boy." Once again, he got another beating. Just another day at school.

Y/N tried to get up but can't. His ankle hurts, so he stumbled back down. Mark and Daehwi saw him struggling to get up, they went to him to offer him a hand.

"Dude are you okay?" Mark held out his hand for Y/N to grab and pull himself up. But Y/N at the time, wasn't the friendliest kind. "Go away. All of you are the same." He grabs onto a locker and pulled himself up.

"Y/N we're just trying to help." Daehwi tried to assure him that the both of them does not have any ulterior motive. It is true, the two were just trying to help, but Y/N doesn't trust anyone at this school.

"I didn't asked for any help." He walks away from Mark and Daehwi. Going to the nurse's office to get his treatment.

End of flashback.
The Year 2020

"I used to be such an asshole hyung..." Y/N regretted his past actions. He could've at least accepted their offer at the time. "Y/N-ah~ you're still an asshole until today" He choked on his drink after hearing what Hoseok just said.

"Do you really have to make fun of me hyung?" He sent a glare towards Hoseok. "I'm your friend, friend makes fun of friend all the time." Hoseok pour some soju into Y/N's glass as a sign of apology.

"Your mom told me you have a school reunion next week. Are you going?" Hoseok asked him.

"You really thought I want to see someone? I don't even talk to the people in my own class." He took a shot of soju from his glass.

"Are you not going because there's no Kim Minju there?" Hoseok asked him another question.

"Hyung please, I told you, I don't even remember her face. I can barely recall what she looks like." Well that's another lie being told.


Life goes on.

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