Chapter 18

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Jonas pulled and yelled at the people who dragged him to the AHDA elevator. He thrashed against their grip on his arms with drastic hits. Jonas screamed for them to let him go but his efforts were worthless. The doctors held Jonas by his arms and dragged him out of the elevator and onto the 97th floor, the floor Jonas's room was.

Dr. Gray stood at the end of the hospital. Jonas could see her despicable figure from the corner of his eye. He was quickly thrown to the floor in front of her. "What do you want from me?" Jonas growled as he glared up at Dr. Gray. She stared down at him with a cold pit in her eyes. She had no remorse for what was happening to him.

"You're an agent, Jonas. You knew what was going to happen all along," Dr. Gray sighed. Jonas glared at her with uncontrollable rage. "You bitch," he snapped. Dr. Gray grabbed Jonas by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up to eye level.

"You are my agent and you always have been. You do as I say and follow my rules. That's how it'll always be," Gray growled in a low tone. Jonas's breath hitched as his nerves sent chills up his back.

Dr. Gray turned to the door that was behind her. She opened the door and threw Jonas down to the floor inside the room. Dr. Gray leaned down and tied Jonas's hands behind his back. "You should be familiar with this room," Dr. Gray smiled bitterly. Jonas looked around the room. It was the white room from his dreams. It was real... That was why he was always there.

Jonas scurried to his feet and ran to the doorway. Dr. Gray slammed the door shut before Jonas could escape. Jonas slammed his side into the door repeatedly. "Let me out! You can't do this!" Jonas screamed.

Jonas leaned against the door and looked up to the sound of sliding metal. There was a slot on the door that opened up just for viewing purposes. Dr. Gray peered inside and laughed, "I can do whatever I want."

Jonas banged on the door with his shoulder again when he heard the metal slot close, and he screamed to let out once he heard Dr. Gray walk away from him. He was stuck. He was trapped there and waiting for whatever they were going to do to him.

Percy sat on his kitchen floor with an open bottle of whiskey. His shoulders were slouched and he stared blankly at the floor. Percy's mind was fogged and his body was numb to everything. Drinking was the only thing he could think of to ease his mind and not face reality. Bob and Lola sat on the floor in front of Percy. They were worried about him. Lola brushed the side of her face against Percy's leg and gave a small meow.

Percy glanced down at Lola and mumbled, "Don't look at me like that." Percy took another swig of whiskey. It burned his throat but he didn't care. He needed that distracting pain to numb the other pain he couldn't bring himself to face. The pain too deep inside for him to fix. He was too scared to face reality as it was.

Percy winced at the sound of the doorbell. He didn't bother to get up and answer the door. It was more like he couldn't bring himself to do it. It was silent but then the doorbell rang again.

Percy groaned but still didn't get up. Bangs came from the other side of the door. Percy yelled back to the door, "Go the fuck away!" He heard the sound of keys clinking together and his door started to creak open.

Crystal stared down at Percy. "Hasn't even been a day and you're already hammered," she sighed disapprovingly. Percy sighed heavily and growled, "So fucking what... It doesn't matter." Crystal furrowed her brows and questioned, "You're really giving up that easily?" Percy glanced up at Crystal through a small gap in his hair. "What's there to give up?" he groaned. Crystal sighed, "Everything. Everything you've worked on recently. You were getting so much better and you can't just throw it all away."

"That... That was Jonas. Everything... that was good about me... was Jonas. He was the one who helped me... fixed me, and I... I can't," Percy whimpered. His tone was quiet and sad.

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