Chapter 4

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As soon as Percival got out of his car, everyone could tell that he was in another shitty mood. Jonas knew and the entire police station knew. It wasn't weird or abnormal for Percival to be in one of his shit moods. He'd been in one for the past three years. He's had a lot happen to him. Percival fell into his desk chair with a grunt. He was beyond mad, but Jonas still walked up to him.

"I'll need access to the other files," he said. Percival sighed, "All the files are open on that computer." He pointed to a computer that was on the desk across from him. Jonas sat down and typed in the password the captain had given him before. Now, he had the official police reports instead of just an overview.

"The culprits have to be former AHDA members. It makes sense for them to kill retired AHDA members," Jonas said to Percival. "Didn't you say this before?" Percival questioned. He has said this before. In the AHDA Blackout 25 years ago. "The group might be trying to send a message to the AHDA. Maybe this is the only way to get through to them," Jonas thought out loud. "Okay... We need to know who these people are before they kill anyone else," Percival concluded from the conversation. "I might be able to get the files from The Blackout. Every agent that has been in the AHDA has a file," Jonas mentioned. "Then get to it," Percival snapped back.

Percival and Jonas pulled up into the AHDA building. The headquarters of the world. They walked into the main lobby to approach the receptionist. She was organizing files in a box to be chronological. "Jonas? Why are you back so suddenly?" the receptionist asked. She had brown hair that matched her eyes, but her skin was a dark olive. "I need to see the files of all the agents that escaped during The Blackout 25 years ago."

"Oh my... There are a lot of files for that. I'll go get them for you, dear," she replied after scurrying to the backroom. The receptionist came back with four boxes. Four boxes with the title "Blackout Victims" written in thick black sharpie. "These are all the agents that successfully escaped and the ones that died." "Thank you," Jonas said as he took two boxes. Percival took the other two. "We'll return these by tomorrow," Jonas said to her.

"Jonas? What are you doing here?" Dr. Gray asked when she walked out of the back room. The receptionist must've called her saying that Jonas was here. "I'm here on police business," Jonas answered. "I see. What exactly?" Dr. Gray questioned. "Looking in files of potential suspects." "Oh... Alright. Well, I'll leave you to it," Dr. Gray said as she walked off.

"Keep an eye on him," she whispered to the receptionist. The receptionist only nodded and returned to her work. Percival overheard the two women and found it a little odd as to why they needed to watch Jonas. He decided not to question it further. Percival and Jonas picked up the boxes and walked out.

The drive back to the police station was long and quiet. The tension was thick and unsettling for anyone. No one spoke. The only noise was the road ahead. After the silence, Percival drove up to the station. He quickly parked and grabbed his share of boxes leaving Jonas behind. Jonas quickly followed with his boxes. The two set the boxes down beside their desks and got to work researching for the potential murderers.

Three days went by quickly. Reading and reading files of people who practically didn't exist anymore and those who were long dead. Researching leads or any sign of any suspect that could help the investigation. A few words were exchanged between the two. Percival had soon started to develop a headache from the print being unbelievably small and having to constantly squint his eyes. He took a small break while Jonas was still deep in papers and photos. To be honest, Jonas remembered many of the names surprisingly. They just had a familiar ring to them.

Jonathan Walker, he had seen him take out many of the guards who were chasing down the agents. Amelia Ortiz, she had helped take out the power. Nellie Franklin, she had led people out. Jack Peterson had been the one who had really taken out the power with just some pens. Many had held off the guards and taken an alternative path than the others like Cynthia Cooke, Rachel Day, Anthony Doherty, George Warren, Charlotte Parry, Samuel John, Heather Meyer, and Hazel Berry. Though, some had chosen to fight to kill. Erin O'Reilly, Mark Hansen, Callum Richards, Amanda Wallace, Amber Byrne, and Diego Smyth. All of these people were still alive with their whereabouts unknown. Others had survived but were recaptured. Many had just died from their failed attempt of escaping.

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