Bikini [9]

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     "TANAKAAAA-SENPAIIII, NOYA-SENPAIIIII!" You shout, sprinting up to the duo with open arms.

"YYY/NNNN!!" They shout in unison, running up to you and engulfing you into a small group hug.

"Thank you for inviting me and the team here guys."

"OF COURSE MY GODESS!" Noya shouts out, still holding onto you.

"ANYTHING FOR YOU MY QUEEN!" Tanaka yells, taking a hold of your hand and kissed the back of it.

You quickly pull it away and wipe it off. "Ew"

"EEEEK! Did you see that Noya?! She rejected me!" Tanaka fan girls with Noya.

"God you are so annoying Tanaka. You won't have a chance with her, even if you get rid of your childish antics."

Tanaka scoffs, "You're just jealous that I kissed her first!"

"Yeah!" Noya says, backing up his bro.

"Ew no! Why would I like that idiot?"

"Oh really? Then why are you blushing hmmmm?!" Noya snaps at him.

"Finally! You three are here, we thought you'd never show up." Daichi runs up to us, interrupting the squabble. "The bathrooms are over there to change into your swimsuit." He points at a small building right next to our meetup spot.

    "Okay! Thanks Daichi." You walk past him to the building.

• • •

     Anxiously tugging at your maroon bikini you suddenly regret wearing one. Even though you were vibing in the mirror the previous night, suddenly the idea of being in front of a horde of boys and the manager doesn't sound too appealing anymore.

     Clutching your beach bag close to your body, acting as a small shield against wandering eyes, you walk out of the bathrooms to your area.

• • •


"Hey Y/n! Come sit with us!" Tanaka waves you over to him and Noya. They had two beach towels laid out.

"Sure!" You pick up the pace and laid out your towel next to theirs. You plopped down on your towel and turned your head to see Yamaguchi and Tsukishima walking from the bathrooms in your direction.

'Hot damn'

Your eyes were glued on Tsukki's figure as he and Yams walked up to you three.

'What a hunk'

'I wish he was my man'

'Just to be able to see that all day'

You kept on ogling him as they both put their towels down on the hot sand next to ours and sat down on them. It didn't go unnoticed by Nishinoya though.

"Hey!" Nishinoya grumbles and grabs your arm. "Why are you staring at Tsukishima?! You should be looking at us! We're better eye candy than that pale stick figure." He huffs and pints ferociously between himself and Tanaka, who was nodding with furrowed eyebrows behind him.

"That's because I don't simp for women Nishinoya" Tsukki smiles.

Although Yams was having an internal battle with himself, he couldn't help but snort at the comment dissing Noya.

'She looks so cute in that bikini, I swear I almost had a nose bleed' Yamaguchi thought

''s really revealing though'

'I don't want anyone else but me to see her in it'

'Why does the team have to be here?'

'Why can't it be just me and Y/n'

'Me and Y/n...'


'Just Y/n'

'Don't worry, I'll get rid of those two annoying pests who are always harassing you. Even if I have to kill them. They're just in my way. I'll lock you away for just me. So we can be together forever!'


"Whatever losers, I'm going to swim." You breathe out sharply, interrupting Yamaguchi's thoughts and sit up. "Wanna come?"

"OF COURSE!!" Tanaka and Noya shouted in unison, sitting up and started walking with you to the water.

"Gotta do something to distract myself from boredom" Tsukishima stands up and starts walking with you three.

"G-gah! Wait up Tsukki, Y/n!" Yams exclaimed.

• • •

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