Annoyance [3]

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     I run a hand through my short blond locks, looking down at my phone. She keeps flirting with me over text. Why can't that short brat take a hint and stop jeez.

So annoying.

"Dammit" I whisper to myself.
'What is that girl doing to me?' I blush and bury my head in my pillows. Ever since that day in junior high, when Yamaguchi told me she defended him....I liked her. Well. Is it like? Admiration? Do I just really hate her? I don't know. She stood up for what she thought was right and didn't back down. It was kind of cool.

'No... I don't like her. I just...think she's cool. Yeah, she's just cool...


     This is taking a toll on my sleep schedule. I look at my alarm clock on my nightstand. 12:00 AM. I shoot her a text.

From: Salty Bean Pole
To: Y/n

Will you shut up? You're so annoying. Just let me sleep jeez.

     I turn off my phone and plug it in, setting it down on my nightstand. I turn around on my side and hug my pillow. Snuggling deeper under the plush comforter.

"You don't like her Kei"

• • •

     "Will you shut up?" I grumble at my phone and alarm clock, burying deeper into my bed. My phone was being blown up by Y/n and my alarm clock was blaring through my room. I slap the alarm clock and take proper look at my phone.

From: Y/n
To: Salty Bean Pole

Are you a camera? Because I can picture you and me together ;)

From: Salty Bean Pole
To: Y/n

I will commit a hate crime against you if you don't stop.

From: Y/n
To: Salty Bean Pole

Awww you wouldn't! You love me too much Kei <3

From: Salty Bean Pole
To: Y/n

Shut up and let me get ready for school.

From: Y/n
To: Salty Bean Pole


    I set down my phone, a tic mark finding its way on my forehead and a blush rising in my face. I rub the bridge of my nose for a second before placing my glasses on it. I throw the blankets off of me and hop out of bed.

     Walking into the bathroom I look in the mirror and close the door. I place both hands on the counter and have a stare down with my reflection. My eyebrows furrowed and a scowl placed on my face.

     "You don't like her Kei, it's just the flirting that's making you trip up. She's just teasing you. She doesn't like you and you don't like her. Okay?" I say once again to myself.

• • •

     'Thank god she doesn't do this....."flirting" at school' I thought to myself, looking at my phone again. Her huge ego must find it easier to flirt with me over text. It was a blessing. I don't want her constantly saying cheesy pickup lines while I'm trying to finish homework.

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