Snacks [2]

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"Here we are!" I sigh, exhausted from school. I walk up my driveway to my house and unlock the door. I hold it open for the green and blonde haired boys to come in.

Taking off my shoes, I ask "So what's the plan for tonight you guys?".

"Didn't you you say you got that new game for the Nintendo Switch? What was it called........Animal Crossing, right?" Yamaguchi questioned.

"Ew do we have to play that childish game?" Tsukishima grimaced. I gave him a death glare. That bastard lives off of childish stuff. I mean, he has dinosaur figurines in his room. The literal epitome of childish.

"Fine!" You snarl at Tsukki, "How about Smash Bros Ultimate?".

"Fine!" Tsukishima snaps back and stomps off in the direction of the kitchen.

"Guys there's no need to be mean again, it's just a game" Yamaguchi sweat drops and tries to calm down the bickering.

"YOU BETTER NOT TAKE ALL OF THE SNACKS TSUKKI, ILL BEAT YOUR ASS" I shout in the direction of the kitchen.

"FUCK OFF!" I hear him yell back. I roll my eyes and laugh. That son of a bitch. I turn to Yamaguchi and lead him to the living room. We sit down on the couch when Tsukishima comes into the living room with an arm full of snacks.

"Alright bitches," I say, turning on the switch and opening Super Smash Bros Brawl, "Lets rumble".

All For You (Yandere Yamaguchi x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang