Chapter 9

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Sweet! I just got my new staff. Megumin also. Once she got it, she was treating it like if she had a boyfriend... She was hugging and rubbing her staff against herself, completely adoring her new staff.

Damn, I wish I was that staff.

W-what am I thinking?! I'm not a pervert... Right..?

I then felt a tug on my sleeve. I turn to see Megumin.

Megumin: C-can I ask you something?

Y/N: Ask away!

Megumin: Do you... Like anybody?

I then blushed, knowing I liked her.

Y/N: Yes...

Megumin: Who is it..?

Y/N: Someone in our guild...

Megumin: And who's that person in our guild?

Did I want to tell her? Right here and right now? I felt Kazuma and Aqua looking in my direction, clearly seeing what's happening. I then see Megumin get closer to me.

Megumin: It's okay... You can tell me.

She then leaned in towards me, even closer to me. She was really close to me now, her face especially. Kazuma and Aqua were still watching. Kazuma had his thumb up, basically saying, "you got this." He's right, I do got this.

Y/N: You really wanna know who it is?

Megumin: Yeah... Tell me.

She was now smiling. She was even cuter this close.

I prepared myself for what I was about to say. Here goes nothing.

Y/N: It's...
It's you.

Her face became red as crimson. My was also.

Megumin: You wanna know mine..?

I nodded and I hoped it was me. I really loved and adored her.

Megumin: It's...

She then leaned in to kiss me right on the lips as she went deep in. At this point, I felt like I was gonna faint. She likes me! And I like her. I then close my eyes, enjoying it. Kazuma and Aqua were smiling and happy to see us kissing.

Megumin: I-i'm s-so sor-

I then put my pointer finger on her lips and I then lean in. I connect my lips with hers and wrap my tongue around hers. At this point, we were both enjoying it. I let go after the best 10 seconds of my life.

Y/N: I love you, my little crimson demon.

Megumin: I...

I love you too...

A Crimson Heart For A Crimson Demon.  (18+)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt