Chapter 1

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(Y/N pov btw lol)

I woke up and opened my eyes a little. I saw the room around me was completely pitch black. Then I realized I was sitting in a chair. Eh? Have been kidnapped? I don't think so because I'm not wrapped up. Then I look to see a lady that was majestical and looking at me with a smile, like she was waiting for me to wake up this whole time. I gazed at her for a while until...

???: So, you gonna say something, Y/N?

How did she know my name?! I don't even recognize her! I better respond before she asks me in a more pissed off tone.

Y/N: U-uh, yes. Who are you?

She crossed her legs and closed her eyes like she was about to do something epic.

???: Oh, well, I am Eris. I am a goddess and I'm who's been looking upon your life.

She's a what? Nah she's probably joking. But she said she's been looking upon my whole life?! Even in the shower and embarrassing moments I've had?!

Y/N: Aha... That's a funny joke. Stalker.

I smirked like I won some sort of argument or I was about to. Wait... She's a girl, I need to be more respectful god damnit!

Eris: Y/N... I'm not joking, I'm a goddess!

She seemed pretty happy and calm. I expected her to be atleast triggered by my disrespectful comment I said. And shes still saying that she's a goddess... Okay.

Y/N: You sure look like one.

She blushed little

Eris: Let's get to the important part here.

She cleared her through and repositioned herself on the chair she was also sitting in.

Eris: Y/N... You must listen carefully because this is important. I'm going to give you 2 options. You can go back to earth and continue living you peaceful life.

I was definitely gonna pick that one. Earth is the best!

Eris: Or... You could reincarnate as one of these roles I will layout in a second and help your fellow allies to defeat the Devil king. It might sound harsh and something that's not peaceful. But if you could save this world, I will bring you back with anything you've ever wanted or wished for.

Woah! Is she serious! So if I do this... I can get whatever I wish for when I get sent back to earth! I'm in!

Y/N: I would like to go to this world or whatever it is and defeat this, "Devil king" now what are these, "roles?"

Eris: Oh, well their basically classes that include a skill which the name of the class basically explains.

Some papers appeared in her hand and she stood up. She walked up infront of me and placed them in the ground.

Eris: Let me know when you have picked your decision. Please pick the one that speaks to your heart.

Then she walked back to her chair and sat down, awaiting my choice.

I looked at my options, then thought about myself. I wasn't a psychial person or someone who could weild a sword. I didn't like archery or guns either. But I saw something that spoke to me. I felt like it was calling my name. I wanted to be a... Mage!

Y/N: Eris... I want to be a mage please!

Eris: Nice choice, Y/N. Now. I will send you into this world. And you will start off in a town that is farthest from the devil king. You will need to find the bar. It is located in the middle of the town. There you will get your registration card and then find a guild. And if you would like to learn a new skill, you have to learn from other people, taking skill points which you will learn what those are. Anyways, I wish you luck, on you go!

Right after she said that, I was floating in the air as blue circles with some sort of energy circled around me. I saw her smile.

Eris: Also... I know what kind if girls your interested in.

She winked, then I blushed a little.

Eris: lookout for a girl called... Megumin.

I was about to question her but then I felt my body disappearing and on I went to this unknown world.

Hope I didn't make any errors... Thanks for reading♥️

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