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Everyone was at Trocadero waiting for Marinette and Alix to show up, thanks to her alter ego Marinette was able to make it in five minutes, she unfolds the banner and everyone cheered, Adrien smiled" impressive Marinette," Wolf was pretty much dragged by Alya to come, Kim was waiting for Alix to show up so he can beat her using his leg speed than her skates. She finally showed up from meeting with her father for her birthday, Max said" lets review the rules, two laps around the fountains, the first to the lines declares the victor, if Kim wins Alix will relinquish her rollerblades to him and if Alix wins Kim will prohibit for making another dare for the rest of the school year," the class agrees as they were tired of Kim's dares. Max holds his arms up" on your mark.. get set.." Alix then stops him and Kim trips" are you forfeiting already?" Alix ignores him and hands it to Alya" watch this watch its a family heirloom! Guard it with your life" she skates back to the starting line, Alya hands it to Marinette" you hold it I have to record this race" Marinette said" what but I have to hold the banner..." Max yelled go and the two took off, Marinette said" Alya she said you had to watch it!" Nino had the other side of the banner and pulled a bit too hard and made Marinette stumble and dropping the watch, she reached over to catch it but Adrien caught it" need help?" Chloe came over and saw the pocket watch" what you got there?" She takes it. Wolf thought' this will not end well..' she knew almost all the akumas appear because of Chloe. Adrien said" careful! That's Alix's!" Chloe said" if it's Alix probably is worthless" she tapped on it and it glowed, it freaked her out and she dropped it, it rolled onto the road and Alix skated right over it breaking it!" She smiled but gasped at the broken watch, She skated to it and looked at Alya" did you do this?!" Alya looks nervous" well... I had to videotape so I handed it to Marinette who then gave it to Adrien then Chloe took it and dropped it and... then you skated over it" Alix cried" my old man gave this to me for my birthday! It's a family heirloom!" Marinette said" it was an accident..." Adrien comforted her" we didn't mean any harm," as always Chloe acted like she didn't do any thing Alix growls" you're all to blame!" Marinette chased after her when she skated off angry. Tikki whispered" Marinette what about Mrs. Chamack's cake?" Marinette's parents were out for their twentieth wedding anniversary so they gave Marinette the responsibility to stay at the shop and hand over an Eiffel Tower cake to a customer who would be there in twenty minutes to pick it up Marinette said" we have time," Hawkmoth sensed Alix's disappointment, frustration, and negativity so he sent an akuma to her and it flew towards the area. Marinette said" maybe we can fix it.." Alix said" this was a one in a kind watch, it can't be fixed!" Marinette tried to calm her down" well there has to be a way to get it back like it once was" Alix was getting sick of her trying to assure her" like how?! Go back in time and change the future?! When you figure that out let me know!" She skated away and as she did the akuma flew in her skates. Marinette recieved a call from her dad telling her that Mrs. Chamack was at the bakery but the store was locked, Marinette assured him she was getting to it but when she saw Alix get akumatized she had to hang up last thing she heard was that not to keep her waiting. Adrien saw this and told everyone to run but Kim was found and Timebreaker touched him and he started fading, Marinette yelled" no what are you doing Alix!" She said" its Timebreaker now and I am going to go back in time to save my watch using you all to do so," Marinette watched Kim fade" what did you do? Why is he fading?" Timebreaker said" I needed his energy and besides the guy was a pain with all those bets so he deserves to disappear. So do you!" She went after Marinette but she dodged and threw the banner at her face and tripped. Marinette said to Tikki after hiding" we have to transform. Tikki Spots On!" Timebreaker went after the others but was tripped by Ladybug's yo-yo, she looked up and saw Rose, she holds out her hand" I messed up, please help" because Rose was so sweet and can't deny help she went over and held out her hand and Timebreaker takes her energy and she faded" sweet Rose, always thinking about others. One minute still need more" She took off to find her other classmates Marinette asked herself" where is that cat and dragon" and took off after Timebreaker Adrien was behind the tree and looked at Plagg" time to transform! Plagg Claws out!" Wolf was behind the bushes" Longg! Dragon Up!!" she transformed and ran to her partners. Timebreaker grabs Mylene who tripped and fell she gotten a minute and a half. She saw Ladybug" you can't stop me where I am going Ladybug!" She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned seeing Cat Noir a good distance with his baton extended" Let me guess we're playing tag and you're it?" She smirks" yep!" She took after him, Ladybug screamed" don't let her touch you!" Cat Noir jumped over her before she could touch him" nice try," Lady Dragon got there" how are we going to stop her without her touching us?" Ladybug tries to figure it out since the more time Timebreaker gets the further in time she can go. Timebreaker saw Ivan and skated over to him and was about to touch him but Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around her hand and pulled her" keep your hands to yourself!" The villain pulled Ladybug to her, Hawkmoth yelling in her mind to get her miraculous she reached down to touch Ladybug but Lady Dragon flew in and sacrificed herself.

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