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It was Career Day at school and Wolf was getting ready with her grandfather, he was just a small shop keeper and massage therapist but he had many items that had interesting history behind them and helped people with pains in their body with great massages and oils. She did hope Adrien's dad will have time to come, she knows how busy he gets with his fashion line but he should still have time for his son. Wang Fu had some items he was going to show to the class Wolf said" thank you for coming to Career day Grandfather everyone will love to listen to Chinese history. He smiled" I'm glad you told me about this day, it's nice to be able to involve myself with your life Wolf, you deserve love and attention from your family. That son of mine has forgotten my teachings, I have taught him when he was little about always making time for family and balancing work and family" Wolf said" well I am glad I was able to come here to live with you and away from those people I call parents. I just hope they don't come here to try and get me to come back with them to be their dress up doll like before, I admit after seeing Gabriel Agreste's clothes, his is better than my parents theirs are all to frilly and more for snobby rich people than a fashion line that is laid back like Mr. Agreste" he nods" yes his designs are very good, you have gotten a lot of them when you went clothe shopping" Wolf blushes" hehe yeah I guess I did go overboard on clothes shopping." The two got there and saw everyone's parents' there but Adrien's he looked sad she guess his dad was too busy to show up. She went over to him" nothing from your dad?" He nods" it's to be expected any ways he doesn't really care about these things, says its a waste of time" Wolf pats his shoulder" it'll be alright, but hey I smell croissants so I think Marinette brought some, you can eat something that doesn't ruin that fine figure of yours" he laughed" sounds great those are one of my favorite snacks" Marinette passed Croissants while her dad told everyone what he does and what he loves to bake. Sabrina was looking at Chloe's bracelet" it's so beautiful," she touched it but her hand was smacked by Chloe" look but don't touch!" Mr. Bourgeois scolds at his daughter" Chloe! Put that away before it falls into the wrong hands" Chloe did and looked at Marinette and like always had to make a sassy comment" I wonder how many croissants your dad will have to make to buy you one of these" she pats her box" oh what am I saying? He will have to sell the whole store!" she laughed. Marinette said" well if you're so rich then you don't need a free croissant," she walked passed Chloe and Sabrina not giving the two one. Plagg peeked out from Adrien's bag and saw the box" is that camembert?" He floats over and opens it and was in awe" that's not camembert but it is very shiny and I like shiny!" He takes the bracelet and spins it on top of his head, his moving around knocked the bag that had the box in it down and made Marinette trip, Wolf caught the croissants and sets them on the plate and helps Marinette up. Chloe complained" geez! Is there a day when you don't trip on something" Wolf said" if you hadn't left your bag near the aisle way then she wouldn't have tripped over it" she glares at the snobby rich girl, Plagg struggles to get the bracelet off his head but it was stuck. Miss Bustier said" next on the list is Sabrina's father," Sabrina and her father stood up and went to the front of the class he said" Hello everyone, I'm Officer Roger. I have been a policeman for fifteen years and I firmly believe that every citizen is innocent until proven guilty," Chloe then screamed" my bracelet! It's gone!" she held up the empty box" I just had it a second ago!" she then glares at Marinette" you! You stole it!" Marinette frowns" what are you talking about?" Chloe said" you purposely tripped over my bag so you can steal my bracelet!" Tom; Marinette's dad" my daughter is not a thief!" Roger blew a whistle" hold on a minute Miss Bourgeois, we don't accuse without proof. Everyone needs to calm down. Maybe you misplaced your bracelet," that did not sit well with Chloe" are you calling me a liar?! Daddy!!" Mr. Bourgeois got serious" Roger! I demand you search this girl!" Miss Bustier tried to calm everyone down but no one was listening Mr. Bourgeois said" may I remind you that as mayor of this city, I am your superior!" Roger said" but Sir, it's against the law, I can't just go-" he was interrupted by the mayor " alright then you are no longer a police officer!" Roger couldn't believe it" Sir you can't be serious over a missing bracelet?" the mayor said" it's my daughter's bracelet we're talking about! Your incompetent and fired!" Roger slouched and walked out with tears in his eyes. This gave Hawkmoth a perfect opportunity to akumatize him" parent-child relationships can be so complicated and a perfect breeding ground for stress. When there's no more law and order, there's only chaos left" he puts evil magic over a butterfly and sends it off" fly away my evil little Akuma and take control on this policeman." Roger got in his car growing sad and angry" he expects me to break the law?! That's just criminal!" The Akuma flew into his whistle, and he could see Hawkmoth and hear him" Rogercop I am Hawkmoth this city needs a true ruthless writer of wrongs and that is where you come in" Roger smirks" yes sir," Hawkmoth continues" Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Lady Dragon must be destroyed if you want to obtain ultimate retribution! Seize their miraculouses. Do we have an agreement?" Roger now transformed into a robot cop said" affirmative. Cat Noir, Ladybug, and Lady Dragon will be powerless against me and justice will prevail in the streets of Paris."

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