Hidden Desire

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It was around two pm when Wolf woke up, she yawns and rubs her eyes and sat up, she looked around and saw that Adrien was still asleep, they did stay up until four in the morning, Wolf stretched and cracked her back and neck. She went over to him and strokes his bangs gently out of his face, he was really handsome and cute, she can see why girls love staring at his pictures, Wolf decided to play on his computer while waiting for Adrien to wake up, she heard the door handle jiggle and she turned off the computer and hurried to the bathroom and hid behind the open door. Natalie came in and saw Adrien still asleep, she shakes her head and went over to him and shakes him, Adrien groans and opened his eyes, he was still tired, he never stayed up that late ever before, so this was new to him. Natalie said" Adrien please get up, it's already two pm, you have fencing and Chinese classes in an hour" the model groans even on weekends he can't take a break from all the activities his father has made him take, completely forgot about those, he only focused on photo shoots. Today was going to suck, he sits up and yawns, running his hair through his bed head. Natalie left once she was sure Adrien wouldn't go back to sleep Wolf peeks out from the bathroom and grins" well I see you have a busy day today," he glared" you are evil you know that I wanted to go to bed at one but of course you distracted me with many funny cat and dog videos you made me stay up way longer than I am use to" Wolf laughed" yeah guilty as charge but you loved it" he smiled slowly waking up" I did.. best fun I had since before my mother disappeared..." he gets out of bed and stretched" you going to stick around?" Wolf said" I need to head home and shower then change. I'll meet you at the school in an hour, I want to see you fence then I'll sneak back in and listen in on your Chinese lessons, I do need to learn more of my language, not just simple words but small sentences" Adrien said" I'm sure I can arrange something so you are out of sight but still within earshot" Wolf smiled and hugs her friend" you're the greatest Model Boy" she grabs the bags full of trash and her bag" I'll see you in an hour, don't fall asleep in the shower" she chuckles and climbs out of the window. Adrien rolled his eyes and closed the door and went to get ready, he hoped a cool shower will wake him up, Plagg came out from his hiding spot and went to hunt for more cheese as he was hungry for more as usual.

Wolf got home and said hello to her grandfather and told him she was going to shower and change and head to the school. He said" you are hanging out with this Agreste a lot Dear" she smiled" yeah, he deserves more friends and live a little to. Not waste his childhood being his father's slave" Master Fu said" but remember not to ever interfere when it is not necessary Wolf" the young heroine nods" yes Grandfather, I promise I won't" she hugs him and went to shower, Longg went to get more snacks for himself and Wolf, he hung with his Kwami companions while waiting for Wolf to finish her shower.

At four Wolf said goodbye to her grandfather and headed towards Collège Françoise DuPont to see Adrien fencing, he told her he was good and defeated the most experience fencers, won many tournaments. She opened the door and headed to the gym, she went to the bleachers and saw fencers stretching their legs and arms she didn't see Adrien yet, so she figured he was still in the boy's locker room getting ready. Fencing wasn't really interesting to her, but she would support her best friend and cheer him on even though it was just practice. Adrien came out from the locker room and saw Wolf, he waved, and she waved back smiling. During practicing she watched Adrien practice with other fencers, always winning some were a close call but he came out victorious she clapped and cheered softly so her voice didn't echo in the gym and be loud, it felt nice to have someone watching him practice his father never came to any of his practices and tournaments, sometimes it was just Natalie and Gorilla it wasn't really great as the two don't cheer him on, they just have a stoic look and clap when he wins and say congratulations with no feeling in their voice, other times they don't come, Natalie would be busy helping his father with his fashion designs and Gorilla would just drop him off and wait outside the limo for him.

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