Heartbreaking reality(s2)

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Y/n: alright lay it on me.

Cinder got closer, to make sure no one hears

Cinder: you see your little friend Weiss was it , came to me about one month ago talking about how the devil son is walking on remnant, did you tell her?

Y/n: no, she caught me in the act while I was killing your little savage buddy.

Cinder: how foolish of you, she came to me, so she can find a way to destroy you.

Y/n: and how in the world did she decide to go to you?

Cinder: I was reading a book about how the darkness created the evil in the world

Y/n: really those books?, their just books that point at someone else blaming them not realising they are in the fault.

Cinder: like the white fang.

Y/n: k I thought they were sticking with the fighting for peace bullshit, not trying to kill every human they seem fit.

Cinder: well, I'm just here to warn you what she's up to.

Y/n: the Schnee will never do that, besides your helping her.

Cinder: I'm helping because she was willing to do whatever it takes, whatever she saw you do to vandel, shook her to her core. You should be careful around her.

Y/n just shakes his head.

Y/n: I don't believe that.

Cinder: believe what you want, I already warned you.

She got up and left, y/n just sat there thinking to himself. He took out his flask drinking out of it. He zoned out until someone tap on his shoulder he returned to reality.

Weiss: sorry, did I scared you?

Y/n: huh? No, I was just zoned out.

Weiss sits down in the seat Infront of him, while he remembers what cinder told him.

Y/n: she's planning on destroying me, that's not possible right? She wouldn't do that to me.

Weiss: you know I heard a side effect of drinking is that you zoned out more often.

Y/n: really?Acting dumb

Weiss: Yeah, so I think it will be better if you drink less. Not that I'm telling you what to do, I'm just looking out for you.

Y/n: right, well sucks I just bought this.

Took out his flask again as Weiss takes it from his hand.

Y/n: I think we both know what happen the last time you did that.

Weiss: I'm just making sure that you don't zone every time you talk to people, speaking of which I thought that maybe you should it change it up a little...

Y/n; I don't know if you hit your head, but I'm not from atlas, I'm from L.A

Weiss: Yeah, I get that, but change is good.

The Son of Lucifer (malereaderxweiss)Where stories live. Discover now