Y/N: You gonna talk to me now?

Moon Knight: Nope! You need to feast. So we're going to go get some food.

You sighed. What was his game here? He led you out of the showers and you both entered the lounge where Spidey was reading the paper while Felicia was drinking some tea. They both looked up when they hesrd the two of you enter but you were quick to avoid Felicia's gaze.

Moon Knight: Hey Pussy Parker. I'm taking my godson out of the base. Tootles!

He walked away and you followed while Peter and Felicia looked at each other confused.
Moon Knight: Waffles. Yeah.

He was reading the menu while you were staring out the window. He looked like a little kid excited for food. Seriously, how old was this guy?

Moon Knight: Do you know what you want to sink your teeth in yet?

You nodded. Pancakes should be good enough. Maybe some bacon. Eggs? OK. You were really hungry. The waitress came and took your order before heading back to the kitchen.

Y/N: Since we have time, what did you want to talk about?

Moon Knight began to flip a suger packet around as he looked at you.

Moon Knight: Well you may want to take a seat.

You just looked at him unamused.

Moon Knight: Right. No more jokes. Sorry.

He cleared his throat.

Moon Knight: It's about the Godslayer Protocol. And Richards.

He had your attention now.

Y/N: What about them?

Moon Knight looked down at the table before sighing.

Moon Knight: You might hate me after this kid. Just hear me out.

Y/N: The hell are you talking about Moon?

Moon Knight: Project Godslayer wasn't Doom's idea. It was Reed Richards, and mine.

Your eyes grew wide. What was he talking about?

Moon Knight: Me and Richards were collages in college. He had an idea to create a force that could protect the earth should it be attacked. The Avengers were formed.

Y/N: What?!

Moon Knight: Keep it down you little shit. Yeah. The Avengers was all our idea. Evil couldn't win and we had a plan to stop it. After we got the funding from Fury and Stark, the Avengers were formed.

Y/N: You created the Avengers?!

Moon Knight: Yeppers! You see kid, Richards saw something. When he got his powers in that cosmic storm, he saw what was coming. After that we realized that the Avengers weren't enough.

Y/N: So you created Project Godslayer.

You looked down at the table. This was a lot to take in.

Moon Knight: No one was prepared for what happened. So the idea for Godslayer was created. Among us was two others. Victor, and your mother.

You looked back at him.

Y/N: My mom worked with you and Doom? Then did she...

Moon Knight: She didn't volunteer you. We were going to abandon the project before Doom decided to take matters into his own hands. The Creator brought us together to find what Doom was up to. We were able to stop him but we were too late.

Y/N: He was already working on it. He implanted it in my mom when she was working as a double agent.

Moon Knight: You were the result. The perfect weapon against Doom's enemies. You know the rest. You were born and me and Venom protected you after Taskmaster killed Elise.

You held your head up with your hands.

Y/N: Why are you telling me this? What does this have to do with the Godslayer Protocol?

Moon Knight sat straight up.

Moon Knight: Because what I'm about to say will change everything you think you know.

You looked at him with fear.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Moon Knight sighed.

Moon Knight: You were engineered to kill every last super powered being in the universe. That's not the worse part. I'm sorry for what I'm about to say.

You slammed your fist on the table.

Y/N: Just say it already damnit!

Moon Knight clenched his fist.

Moon Knight: You were also engineered to befriend the Avengers in order to be a sleeper agent. The plan changed when the Program was first formed. You were designed to create the bonds you did in order to get close to everyone. On your 18th birthday, the Protocol is going to activate. When it does, those bonds will mean nothing.

Your eyes grew wide and your body began to shake. Your bonds were a lie? The friendships your forged, the relationships you had, they were all a lie?

Y/N: You mean, these emotions and thoughts were all preprogrammed into my brain?! Everything that I went through was a lie?!

Moon Knight: For a lack of better words, yes.

You grabbed your head and looked at the table. The waitress returned and placed your food down before leaving again.

Y/N: Do I even love any of those girls? Was that a lie to?

Moon Knight didn't say anything. You shoved everything off the table as your stood up.


Moon Knight: Don't you ever question rather or not you mean something to me. You're my damn nephew.

Y/N: Your nephew that you helped turn into a monster.

You stood up and walked out of the restaurant leaving Moon Knight all alone. As you walked down the street, you began to question everything. Your friendships, your "love", everything. It was all planed from the very beginning by Doom. Your uncle was the catalyst for everything. The spark. He kept all of this from you. To hell with him. To hell with everything.

You ducked into an alleyway and shoved your hands into your pockets. Why? Why did everything have to happen to you? You had just endured all of that shit and now this.

Y/N: Fuck this.

You threw your hood on and walked further into the alley. Your eye began to glow that odd purple before you dissapeared into the shadows.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now