Fights between Beatrice And Maddie

Start from the beginning

Cheryl was in her room getting ready and she could hear her daughters were already fighting over something again. She got up from the dressing table and went to see what had happened

-What's going on here? .- Cheryl said calmly

"Maddie has taken a blouse from me and she does not want to return it." Beatrice said crossing her arms and looking at her mother.

-It was in my room, mommy.- Maddie said

"False, surely she has taken it from my room," Beatrice said, uncovering her arms and clenching her fists.

-Beatrice, calm down. Did you take your sister's blouse? .- said Cheryl looking at Maddie

-No, it was in my room so I decided to put it on, but Bea has come to bother

-To bother.- Beatrice said a little louder.

Cheryl hated her daughters arguing, the two have character and sometimes bump into each other. But in recent months it seemed like they had started a war.

-Beatrice nothing happens because you share clothes with your sister and Maddie borrows what you are going to take.- said Cheryl looking into the eyes of the redheads

-I haven't caught her, mommy! .- Maddie said defending herself

-Okay, it doesn't matter how the blouse got here. Maddie. Are you going to take good care of it?.- Cheryl asked her daughter

-Yes mommy.

"And Beatrice you can share clothes with your sister," said Cheryl. Beatrice went to talk but her mother interrupted her.- Your mother and I share clothes and nothing happens. Please apologize.- Cheryl looked at her daughters, none wanted to say it.

-Really? .- She said this time more pissed off.

"Sorry," the two said quickly. God it's karma thought Cheryl

Today it was Maddie's turn to put what she wants on television, she had decided to put the documentary Blackfish os about a whale in captivity. Maddie loves to watch documentaries of all kinds.

"We really have to see this." Beatrice said looking at her mothers. They were all sitting on the big sofa.

-Yes. It's up to Maddie to choose.- Toni said.

Beatrice protested a little lowered her breath and when the documentary started and everyone was silent.

"Boring ..." Beatrice said aloud for all to hear.

Toni threw her head back and took a deep breath. Cheryl raised her head that was resting on Toni's shoulder, sat up a little more to see Beatrice, she snorted loudly.

-God, how heavy you are. It's my day!.- Maddie said frustrated, paused the documentary and leaned to look at her sister

"Sorry for having style," Beatrice said smiling. Before Maddie answered it, Cheryl intervened.

- Beatrice, stop.- she said seriously.- Everyone has their day and nobody bothers you in your day so please do the same

-Because I put things that can be seen, not a documentary ... .- Beatrice said

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