Log 8: Who would have seen this coming?

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Returning to the North Capital, Ruando had brought us to an inn without asking anything. Even though it was a wonderful place with fantastic food, Kiro left without saying a word and didn't return throughout the night.

And at the start of the next day, while we were still eating, Ruando interrupts our meals and dragged us to our next mission. According to him, a mysterious entity has surfaced in a cathedral located near the North Capital overnight. Due to its sudden appearance, we are being sent to investigate the source.


"... by the way, any idea what's going on with him?" I asked as I leaned towards Konoshi while glancing at the lonely Kiro.

"How am I supposed to know? Ask him yourself."

Worried, I went up to him, "Hey, there buddy~ How's it going?"

"... what is it?"

"Is there... something worrying you?"

"... what do you think is in there?"

"Well... Ruando said there was something that appeared in there..."

"And I'm asking you what do you that 'something' is?"

"It must be something bad if we're being sent out here."

"Alright, then what do you think had happened to the people who were trapped with that 'bad thing'?"

"Mmmm, I'm sure they're hiding somewhere safe and waiting for us to rescue them!"

"And what if they aren't?"


"... whatever. Go get ready." 

As I stood there thinking about what Kiro had just brought up, Shinkei calls out, "The girls are ready to move out, what ab... you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Absolutely top gear right now!"

"That's good then, let's go."

"... say, is it too obvious that I'm pushing it?"

"Don't worry about it, trust your gut whenever you're in doubt. At least it hasn't failed me yet."

Returning to a smile, I lightly chuckled. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

Stretching my limbs, I joined up with the team. Be it a simple investigation mission or something completely unexpected, I'm sure we will clear it with ease.


Passing the front gate without raising an alarm, Kenha suggests that we should split up as wandering around in a big group could catch the attention of whatever entity was in here. investigating in smaller groups would let us cover more ground and gather more information.

Before I could provide my input, the girls had gone off without saying a word.

As the other two went off I let out a sigh before calling out to my partner, "E.N.E?"

"Go on."

"Has it moved?"

"It sensed us, but not reacting."

"In that case, I guess we can go looking for answers first?"

"That's the plan, but where to start..."

"... how about the dorms?"


"Since the main building is out of the question, the dorms would probably be the next best place to look for any kind of records."

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