Log 4: She's pretty 'cool'...

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Entering the cabin, I was greeted by the warm atmosphere within it, all sorts of people from different walks of life gathering together and heading towards the same destination. Remembering a familiar scene in the back of my head, I unconsciously let out a chuckle.

"What chuckle?" I ask as E.N.E finishes her monologue.

"It's essential, we need to build up the setting of a warm and comfortable train ride where nothing can go wrong. Only to have something bad happen to raise the stakes."

"And just as you say it, you jinx the entire train."

"Master's quite the party pooper."

"And I think you're too carefree. Besides, why would you want something bad to happen anyways?"

"That's because the train ride is 4 hours long! And we don't have enough material to talk about for that long, meaning that a timeskip will occur and it would be lazy writing if we do a time skip!"

"... I don't follow."

"Hmmm... then again, getting hijacked by a terrorist group is kind of lazy writing as well."

"... no seriously, what are you going on about?"

"Hm? Did I say something weird?"

"Yeah," I lowered my voice to avoid attracting attention, "you said terrorists?"

"Yeah? What about it?"

"... are you certain?"

"Come on, it's a common event. It's the 'a terrorist party hijacks the transport the main characters are on' event, you're not familiar it?"

"... is this something you've read from the world's database?"

"I would say yes, but..." bringing up a handful of displays, she flips them over for me to have a look.

"Their plan involves something about sending a message to the North Queen. There's about 2 to 3 members per cabin, but it seems like their leader isnt around at the moment."


"So, any plans on how we are handling the situation?"

"... is he on board?"

"The hero? He is... but he's at the end of the train, as in, he's in the luggage compartment."

"... why is he there?"

"I'm guessing that he didn't get a ticket, and the train conductor threw him in the luggage compartment after being too annoying?"

"That... sounds pretty accurate for a guess."

"What can I say? I'm just that talented."

"Since he's on board, we'll just leave it to him." Leaning back on my seat I close my eyes.

"Ahhh! You can't go and sleep like this! What about the potential casualties if you sleep!?"

"It's fine... the hero will deal with it..."

"Ahhh! Master!!!"

Despite E.N.E's constant screaming, I somehow manage to doze off.



My eyes open, coming face to face with the barrel of a shotgun. A man wearing some sort of military outfit shouting orders at me with a slight quiver in his voice, "hands in the air! I don't want any funny actions!"

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