Chapter 18- CALL ME

Start from the beginning

Yeah. If only they knew.

"Thanks, Damien!" I offer him a grin, wanting a hug.

"No," He puts his hand up to stop me, making me back off nervously, "What the fuck are you doing? You can't go around getting into fights. I can't come save you everyday. We can't talk to each other here." He reminds me harshly.

I pout up at him, "There's no one out here. And... And I didn't pick a fight, they grabbed me and dragged me out here."

He crosses his arms over his chest and sighs. "You do pick fights! You wear nerdy glasses and paint your nails and expect people to accept you. You can't expect me to keep saving you. What happens when someone sees us?"

"I... You bought me these glasses, and the nail polish. If you don't help me, then I'm just going to go back to my own method. You told me to message you if I need help." I mutter.

He sighs again and leans against the wall beside me, seeming exhausted as fuck. I think he is officially sick of me.

"The only option left is for you to stop letting people walk all over you! If they push you, push them back!"

"Violence isn't allowed on school grounds..."

"Josiah... Fight back. I have to go. Don't message me unless you're in serious danger and you can't do anything to get out on your own." He starts to walk away.

"Damien! What about... What about the rules? I-I don't want detention."

I want him, damn it...

Why didn't this get his attention?!

Does it either have to be Logan or tutoring for him to focus on me?!

"I have to go," He says coldly, no doubt afraid of being caught by his friends, "I'll talk to you later."

Maybe I should have just let them beat me... I don't know what I expected from Damien, really.

I think I expected him to be as protective here as he is otherwise. He kind of was, but he also seems far more cold towards me than usual.

I must have done something.

"Stay with me..." I mumble, and I know it's too quiet for him to hear.

He leaves, which I assume means he really didn't hear me. There's no way he would leave me if he heard me.

No way.


-Friday, September 24th-

"Hey, dumb-ass," I begin, after a moment of silence as he studies, "Do you think it's time for a break yet?"

We've been doing this for about an hour. And he just isn't understanding the material.

"No! I'll get it!" He says, frustrated, "I hate chemistry."

"You either have to take a break, or learn to do homework and study with one hand."

"If you hold my left hand, I can still study."

I laugh at him, "No, you won't. You'll get distracted."

"What do you mean? I won't get distracted. What makes you think that?"

I stare at him for a moment, wishing I could see his face so I could gauge if he is being serious or not.

He always gets distracted when I make physical contact with him. It gets his attention on me more than anything else does.

"...I want to take a break. Let's do something else. There's other business to get to."

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now