Chapter 16-BUILD A Lego HOUSEEE

Start from the beginning

He sighs. "I...don't want to lose you. But, if it keeps you safe, then, I guess it's what we have to do. I have to go. I'll...see you around, Walker." He says before leaving.

I run my fingers into my hair and pull a bit.

I feel bad...but I did tell him that he could do whatever he thinks is best. Whatever the best situation is according to him, I would go along with it.

We can still...hang out...on Wednesdays and Fridays.

It just won't be the same.


-Friday, September 17th-

After the last class of the day ends, I really wonder if Damien is up for the tutoring thing or not. He seemed pretty mad at me yesterday.

I decide to text him and ask. My aunt gave my phone back this morning because I promised to let her go through it every evening.

I can't believe she never questioned how I got the phone in the first place. Maybe she just assumed.

So, as long as I make sure every text is about business, everything will be okay.

Everything will be okay... For sure.

I'll be more careful.

Hey. Do you want to study today or not...? I understand if not. I know you're probably really upset.

I'm not upset. I'm down if your down. I miss you.

Okay. I need to be home by 10:00. But I'm sure that won't be an issue.

We don't usually go that long...but I just need to make sure.

Sounds good. Meet me in the normal place?

Yeah. I'll be there in a minute.

I just need to make sure I don't enjoy any of it. Okay...

That will definitely be...easy...

Just the idea of talking to him again makes me happier, though.

Damn it.

That lasted long. I need a plan B.

I go meet him outside of the school, after just about everyone else has left.

As far as I know, everyone is gone. Probably.

"Hey." I murmur.

"Hey! It's...good to see you."

I make a conscious decision to not look at him.


I missed you.

This is hard.

"Alright," I try to add some bit of confidence to my voice, "Let's go."

"I have my bike today... I wasn't sure if we were actually doing this, and I'll make sure to have the car next time." He explains.

"Don't worry about it. The rules changed. I'm not supposed to be comfortable." I stop him.

That should make it easier to hate all of this.

"I-I'll bring the car next time." He repeats.

I make myself silent and just go with it. If it's what he wants to do...

I watch him get onto his motorcycle and I cannot even begin to express how much I want to complain.

I say nothing, just getting onto the motorcycle, too, wrapping my arms around his waist.

August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now