Lets party

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(A/N The picture at the top is the current state of Mark's hair, I love his hair like this cause its so floofy but I love Mark's hair in general. It looks good in any style but Ethan is right he does need a hair cut, he should let Amy cut his hair. That would be so funny)

1 week later

Ethan's pov

"Mark and Amy, are you ever going to help or are you going to sit there with Amy stroking your hair" I said annoyed at the lack of participation from Mark and Amy.

"But his hair is so floofy and soft" Amy complained.

"Stroke it when we are finished" I said whilst trying to set up for the next video.

"Fine, what do you need us to do" Mark said giving in.

"Help Kathryn set up the cameras so we can start filming" Tyler said.

"Seems easy enough" Mark said.

"Why doesn't Amy do that and you come help me set up this table Mark" I said.

"Fine" Mark replied.

We got everything set up and started recording the markiplier makes. Today was a fun one, we were making a ballista. The only downside was that I weren't allowed to use glue and had to use white icing. I made it work though, the structure didn't hold together when you picked it up but when it's on the table it's fine. I didn't mention that we didn't have instruction so our ballistas looked like shit but still worked, well Mark's did and Tyler's semi worked.

After the video

"Who's turn is it to edit?" Mark asked.

"It's mine" Amy said glumly.

"Alright I'll send it to you" Mark said.

Mark sent the video to Amy's computer then he went over and helped her edit it so it would get done faster and because she didn't want to edit.

"Guys why don't we go out tonight" I suggested.

"Why?" Kathryn asked.

"Cause we've been working so hard recently and I feel like we could all do with a bit of partying" I said cheerily.

"OK, why don't Ethan and Tyler invite their girlfriends and we can meet them" Mark suggested.

"Ye that's a good idea" Tyler said now liking the idea.

"OK, we can all drive down there separately then Mark can drive us back since he can't drink" Amy said.

"You OK with that?" She asked Mark.

"Ye I can do that, I'll pick you up on the way there cause your apartment is near the club" Mark replied.

We all went our separate ways to get ready and then all met up down at the local club.

"So everyone this is Mika, Mika this is Mark, Amy, Tyler, Kathryn and..."

"Grace" Tyler's girlfriend said.

"Everyone this is Grace" Tyler introduced.

"Let's get this party started" I shouted.

I went up to the bar and bought the first round of drinks and got Mark a lemonade.

"Tyler down the beer" I said.

He did just that and his eyes watered when he finished. I laughed at him and downed mine.

"Anyone for a shot?" Amy asked.

We all said yes and she walked over to the bar with Mark and bought us all a shot.

"Throw back in 3..2..1" I shouted.

We were all having a lot of fun and we're able to let loose for the first time in like forever.

Mark's pov

It was quite fun watching Tyler and Ethan get drunk. Amy had calmed down on the drinks which was a very sensible choice and Kathryn went off with a boy doing god knows what.

It was nearing onto 3am so I thought it was a good time to wrap things up.

"Guys I think we should start heading out, it's nearly 3am" I told the group.

"let's goooo" Ethan slurred.

As we walked over to the door I saw Kathryn with the same boy from earlier, I told her to get his number and then meet us outside so she did just that.

Amy got in the passanger seat next to me and the rest filed into the back. We dropped Ethan and Mika off first who looked like they were about to have sex in my car, then we dropped Kathryn off who was texting this guy called Ellis who she just met, then we dropped Tyler and Grace off who were making out in my car which I didn't like seeing cause its kinda gross then I walked Amy up to her apartment.

Amy's pov

***this isn't smut but it's not exactly child friendly***

Mark walked me up to my apartment and said goodbye, he kissed my lips but before he could pull away I grabbed the collar of his flannel and pulled in into my apartment.

I wrapped my arms round his neck and pulled him close, I could feel his breath on my lips.

"I want you to love me Mark" I looked deep into his eyes.

"I already love you Amy" he replied giving me a puzzling look.

"Not like that silly, the other way" I replied.

It took him a few seconds but he finally clocked on,

"You mean like this" he said in a deep husky voice that sent shivers down my spine.

He connected his lips to my neck and found the spot that made pleasure rush through my body. He liked and sucked on it a few times before I moaned out his name.


"You like that huh" he whispered in my ear.

"I'm not going to take advantage of you when you are drunk" he added.

"I'm not drunk, at least kiss me. I need you"

He reconnected our lips and picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he took us over to the couch. He layed me down and hovered over me, our lips never once parting.

I put one hand in his hair slightly tugging, earning a moan from deep in his throat. I did it again and he deepened the kiss. I felt one of his hands playing with my hair and the other moved from my hair to my boob where he lightly squeezed earning a slight moan from me.

We parted for air and Mark started kissing and licking the spot on my neck again, leaving what I could only assume to be a giant purple hickey. I couldn't contain my moans as he kept licking over that spot.

I flipped us over so I was now hovering him. I kissed his lips until they became sore. I then moved onto his neck and kissed in different places until I found his sweet spot, I kissed and liked it until a decent sized hickey showed up. I then went back to kissing his lips and tugging his hair.

"I think that's enough for tonight, we have work for tomorrow" Mark said picking me up and taking me to my bedroom.

I gave Mark some shorts that would fit him then went in the bathroom to put my pj's on and brush my teeth. I then gave Mark an unused toothbrush so he could brush his teeth.

Once he was finished he belly flopped on the bed and smiled at me.

"That must have hurt" I said.

"Not when you have abs like mine" he replied standing up and tensing his stomach, revealing his perfectly chiseled abs and chest.

I patted the spot next to me in bed and Mark hopped in. I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. He gently stroked my hair sending me to sleep.

Nice to meet you- AmyplierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora