Your welcome

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Mark's pov

Sleeping on the couch wasn't as bad as I thought, I got the same amount of sleep as every other night and I woke up at my usual time ready to make breakfast.

I decided to make pancakes for me and Amy, I remember whenever I would try and help my ex I would make her pancakes and that's one of the few things she enjoyed so Amy might enjoy them too.

I quickly made the batter and put 2 pancakes on a plate then got a glass of water and 2 painkillers and put it all on a tray and took it up to my bedroom where Amy was sleeping.

I put the tray on the floor and opened the door slowly, careful to make as little noise as possible. I picked the tray back up and set it on the bedside table ready for when Amy woke up.

I then went back downstairs and made my pancakes and ate them by myself.

I fed Chica and then let her outside to go potty then I waited for Amy to come downstairs so she could decide what she wanted to do.


Amy's pov

I woke up with an excruciating pain in my stomach but that was in the back of my mind because I could smell pancakes.

I rubbed my eyes and got my bearings then looked around the room and noticed the tray next to me.

Mark had left a note with the food, it read:

Hope you enjoy this, this was one of the very few things my ex enjoyed when I helped her so I assumed it meant I did something good so maybe you would enjoy them too.

Mark x

This man was messing with my heart and I had only known him for 3 days.

I texted him thank you and that he knows exactly how to make a woman happy.

I then ate my pancakes and took the painkillers after. I quickly went to the bathroom and realised I didn't have any of the things I needed here so I would have to go home.

I walked downstairs and found Mark watching TV in the living room.

"Hi, what do you want to do considering you don't have any of the things you need here?" he asked.

"I'll drive home and get ready really quickly then I'll join you wherever you need me" I replied.

"OK, today we are going to the office to get all the equipment we need ready so that we can start filming tomorrow. I'll text you the address so you can join us down there or I could pick you up if you wanted", he said.

"I don't want to be a hassle, I'll just drive down there" I said.

"Your not a hassle, I like having your company" he said smiling.

"OK if I'm not a bother. I'll text you my address" I replied.

"I already have it, your boss gave me all your info" he said.

"OK, I'll see you at mine whenever. Just text me when you turn up. Also thanks for breakfast it really helped" I said on the way to the door.

"No problem, I'll see you in around an hour" he said as I left.

I drove home and got to my apartment as quickly as I could so I had enough time to do everything.

I took a quick shower and then put on a little bit of make up, got dressed in comfortable clothes then made iced coffee and watched TV whilst I waited for Mark.

Once my hair was dry I lightly curled it then sat around and waited some more.

I made sure my phone was put on charge when I got in so that it wouldn't die half way through the day. I went to the kitchen where it was charging and looked through all my messages.

There was one that really stood out to me, it was from my boss:

'Hey slag, how's work going. I better not get any complaints about you being useless, the company is running low on money and we need this guy to pay big'

I could feel tears brimming my eye lids, they were using me to get money from Mark and they wanted me to put all my effort in so that he would pay lots. The name calling and him telling me I'm useless doesn't even bother me, he does it all the time but the fact that he is using Mark makes me mad.

As soon as Mark arrived I told him that I wanted to quit my job then I showed him the message.

He was quite mad at the guy for calling me names but I told him he does it all the time and it doesn't even bother me, the only thing that bother me is that fact that my boss is using him.

Mark drove me the where I work and went up to my boss's office with me. I stormed through the door and shouted in his face telling him that I'm quitting.

You could see that anger build up in his face, all I could concentrate on was his anger but I was soon pulled out of my concentration when Mark pulled me out of the way and jumped in front of me.

The next thing I knew was that Mark had just been slapped round the face and had saved me from being slapped.

I took Mark's hand and lead him out of the room and as soon as we were out I looked over his face to make sure he was OK.

He was going to have a bad bruise on his cheek and he had a small cut on his lip but other than that he was looking alright.

"I'm so sorry" I apologised.

"Why are you apologising?" he asked.

"Because it's my fault that you got slapped, I should have just ignored the comments from my boss and carried on my job" I admitted feeling guilty.

"I don't want you to feel guilty for me getting hurt, you did the right thing and your old boss just proved that" he reassured.

"What do I do now, I'll keep doing the job with you and you won't have to pay but now I don't get paid" I said.

"I'll hire you, you can edit my videos and help me think of ideas. I really like the ideas you have come up with for ADWM so I'm sure you'd be able to think of great video ideas" he said with a smile.

"That's a good idea, I can do that. I already have so many ideas for you that I think your viewers will enjoy".

Mark took me to the office and set up the spare desk for me. He showed me the editing software I can use and he showed me where to put all my video ideas so he can access them too.

Tyler, Kathryn and Ethan were really happy that I was now working with them which made me really happy too.

We got on with what we were supposed to be doing and all the equipment for tomorrow was ready in no time.

Mark's pov

"Guys you are free to go" I announced.

Everyone started to pack up their things and everyone left to go home.

There was one more thing I wanted to do before Amy left my car to go up to her apartment.

I got out of the car with her and she looked so confused.

"So, you know how you were talking about that breakfast bar you really like, well I thought maybe we could um meet up tomorrow and um maybe get some food? Wait let me re start. Amy will you go on a date with me?" I asked.

"Ye of course I will" she said with a smile.

I looked at her with a big smile and gave her a hug. I waited till she was through the big doors to her apartment block then I sat in my car and texted her the details of the date.

I drove home with a huge smile on my face and that smile didn't leave till I went to sleep.

Nice to meet you- AmyplierWhere stories live. Discover now