12 hour stream p2

15 2 0

3rd person pov

After 2 hours of jackbox Mark decided that they should play a shooter game where its an all vs all including the fans and whoever wins gets free merch. He also decided that they would have team rounds.

"Right, the game name is crazyboys and the password is CrankyCrew" Mark shouted.

Amy's pov

We all joined the game and started killing people, me and Mark were teamed up and Kathryn, Ethan and Tyler were teamed up and we were against the fans.

Me and Mark were winning, we had killed the most people and Tyler was getting salty.

"Come on guys go kill the audience" Tyler said getting angry.

"Mark plays video games for a living and Amy is a creative producer and games designer" Ethan complained.

"So is Kathryn" I said.

"Don't bring me into this" Kathryn said.

"Chill, just play the game" Mark said.

We carried on the game and there was 100 members of the audience left and me and Mark were still winning.

3rd person pov

Tyler was even saltier than earlier so he decided to kill Amy and sabotage Mark so he, Kathryn and Ethan could win but it just made Mark angry.

"What the fuck are you doing" Mark shouted angrily.

"I didn't mean to kill her, I just tried to sabotage. I didn't realise she was so low" Tyler said trying to defend himself.

"Why were you trying to sabotage anyway?" Mark asked still really angry.

"Cause your winning" Tyler said making it sound obvious.

"That's still no reason to kill her" Mark said as he blew up 50 people.

Mark proceeded to win the game and was still salty.

"Mark, its OK. You won the game and we can play again or play something else" Amy said in a calming tone.

"OK let's play a different game" Mark said now calm.

"Why does he listen to you but not us" Ethan complained.

"Ethan it's obvious why he listens to her and not us" Kathryn said.

"Why, I don't get it" he said.

"Don't worry Ethan" Tyler said.

"What next?" Tyler asked.

"We have about 5 hours left and we are at $65,000 so why don't we order food and look at more fan art and answer more questions" Mark suggested.

"Let's do that" Amy said.

The group ordered pizza and whilst eating that they looked at fan art, once they finished their pizza they started answering questions.

"Where did Mark's hat go?" Someone asked.

"I know where it is, I can go get it if you want" Amy said.

"Yes please" Mark said.

Amy ran off downstairs to the storage cupboard and rummaged around trying to find Mark's hat. Once she found it she ran back upstairs and gave him the hat.

"Thank you" he said.

"So this hat brings a lot of controversy, one minute someone says they like it the next minute they don't" Mark said looking directly at Ethan and Tyler.

"I like the hat" Ethan argued.

"Then why'd you put it in the storage cupboard?" Mark asked.

"Cause it was in the way" Ethan replied.

"What about you Tyler, Why don't you like the hat?" Mark asked.

"It just doesn't look good on you, the hat is perfectly fine" Tyler said truthfully.

"I think the hat looks good on him" Amy and Kathryn said in sync.

"Thank you" Mark said.

"The hat isn't your style" Tyler said.

"Yes it is" Mark shouted.

"Calm down bub" Amy said.

Mark sat on the love sac with the face of a child who was having a tantrum, Amy rubbed his shoulders and tried to calm him down.

"Next question" Kathryn said.

"What's the sitch between Amy and Mark, Mark only seems to listen to Amy and they seem very close" Ethan said.

Mark looked at Amy and she nodded her head.

"OK, so as you know we hired Amy for A Date With Markiplier and she did and amazing job, everyone did. She was on her period at the time so I helped her out and stuff cause she gets really bad pains. I remember when I used to help my ex and she would abuse me every time I tried to help but whenever she was on her period and I helped she was fine with it so that must have meant I did the right thing so I did that for Amy too and she said that I was doing the right thing and all of that. Over the time we were working together we became a lot closer and I started having feelings for Amy. She opened up to me and told me about her past and that made me want to help her more and made me want to be by her side at all times. She quit her job so I hired her and we went on a few dates and I asked her to be my girlfriend" Mark said.

The chat was going crazy spamming messages about how cute they are and that they are perfect for each other. Of corse there would be a few messages saying nasty things but the majority were positive.

They carried on with the live stream and hit their goal with an hour left of the stream. They skyped fans and played more games with them, they didn't argue about anything else which was good and they ended the stream happy with what they had achieved that day.

Mark's pov

"That was a good stream guys, I had a lot of fun" I said.

"Yeah I really enjoyed it" Amy said smiling.

I was glad she enjoyed it, it made me feel warm on the inside.

"I'm really tired guys" Ethan complained.

"If we pack up quicker you can go home quicker" Tyler said.

I looked around the office trying to find Kathryn because I hadn't heard from her since the stream ended. When I found her she was curled up on the couch in a blanket lightly snoring.

"Guys Kathryn's asleep" I whispered.

"Another office sleep over?" Ethan questioned excitedly.

"Sure, why not" I replied.

We finished packing all the equipment then sorted out sleeping arrangements.

"I don't mind sharing with Ethan again" Tyler said.

"I don't mind sharing" Ethan said.

They took the duvet again and me and Amy shared the last blanket and slept on the carpet with 2 pillows and snuggled up there.

"Goodnight Amy"

"Goodnight Mark"

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she smiled as I kissed her forehead.

Light snores escaped her mouth indicating that she had fell asleep. She curled up in my chest more as I fell asleep. This was my happy place, with my friends and beautiful girlfriend, I want this to last forever.

Nice to meet you- AmyplierWhere stories live. Discover now