late night filming

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Amy's pov

This morning I woke up to cold sheets with warm heavy blankets and the sun shining through my opened curtains.

I rolled onto my side and grabbed my phone looking at all the messages I had got, I saw a few from people from where I used to work but chose to ignore them because they were probably trying to start trouble.

I checked the texts from Mark, Tyler, Kathryn and Ethan then got dressed and started to make breakfast.

Today I made a quick bowl of cereal and had my usual coffee then I lightly curled my hair and did a small amount of make up before leaving to go to the office.

As I arrived in my battered up old car I looked for a parking space and the only one available was between Mark's relatively nice looking car and Kathryn's brand new 4x4.

Once I was in as far as I could get in I pulled the hand break and got out of the car locking it once I was out. I got my keys out and unlocked the office doors then locked them and walked up the stairs.

"Nice to see you show up" Kathryn said jokingly.

"Why is parking so difficult in LA" I whined.

Mark pecked my lips and said hello then sat at his desk and started working.

"I've sent everyone the videos they need to edit, also Tyler I've been sent loads of emails that you have to go through" Mark said.

I plopped down at my desk and started working.

After a few hours of work I decide to take a break because my brain feels like mush.

I walk outside and lay in the middle of the grass like a starfish, listening to the cars go by as my mind wonders on random topics.

I hear the back door open and look over to see Mark walking towards me.

"Mind if I join?" he asked.

I patted the ground next to me in response.

After a while of laying there it started to get a bit cold and Mark noticed me shivering.

"Here put this on" he handed me his hoodie which was way to big for me but it was so warm.

I snuggled up to him to keep him warm and we lied there for a bit before it got too cold.

We finally decided to go inside because I didn't want Mark to get frostbite or something but in the office it was just as cold and all the blankets had already been taken so I felt really bad for taking Mark's hoodie. I tried to give it back to him but he insisted that I wear it and that I should keep it because it looks better on me.


Mark's pov

"Guys it's 10pm can we go home now" Ethan whined.

"We probably should. Everyone send me the videos you edited then we can go" I said.

All 10 videos got sent to me so I logged out of my computer and made sure everything was turned off then got my things ready to leave the office.

"Here you go" Amy said handing me my hoodie.

"You can keep it" I said.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Yeah, you look cute in it" I replied making her blush.

I gave Amy a quick peck on the lips then said goodbye to everyone and left to go home and review the videos Ethan, Amy and Kathryn edited for me.

Nice to meet you- AmyplierWhere stories live. Discover now