08 | Dig In.

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It was another day at the Gracefield House. Emma and Norman keeping their own secrets, Ray joining them, Gilda and Don slowly started talking with them, and Serephina left to handle the rest of the kids while they do whatever they pleased.

Serephina wasn't dumb. She knew something was up. The last time she saw Gilda and Don, they both had the same expression Emma and Norman had some nights before.

Scared. Well, with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

But she didn't question it. Maybe Emma and Norman told them about Conny's new parents' and their outburst towards the two children.

That's what happened, as from what Ray explained. But of course, even with her best friend explaining it, she could help but doubt him.

There was no way Emma and Norman would both get stuck to that kind of thing. If that was the case, then they both would forget it and leave it behind like it was nothing.

But now? Secret meetings, late night talks, discussions before bed time? That was definitely not normal.

Today, Serephina will find out once and for all about the whole story. What really happened at the gate. What happened to Conny. What does Ray mean about escape. Why were they all so scared.

She wasn't gonna leave the topic and see where it goes. She wasn't gonna wait for a disaster to come.

Today is the day.

Serephina fixed her collars, pinned her bangs up, tied her she laces, and plastered her usual smile on her face. She looked at the mirror once more and exhaled.

"I'm getting to the bottom of this."

And with that, she exited the bathroom, leaving a confused Anna looking at the doorway with her brows furrowed as she continued doing her braids.

"You guys." Right after breakfast, Serephina decided to confront her five friends. Right after Mama and the children went out of the room, she made her way to their table and blocked them from leaving. "This needs to stop."

They all looked at her confused and shocked. They weren't expecting Serephina to show up at all.

"What is it, Phi?" Ray was the one who spoke up first. He went towards the brunette and shoved his hands into his pocket. "We need to go outside. We're planning on playing tag after this."

"No way," Serephina said. "None of you are playing tag till I learn everything."

"Everything?" Gilda mumbled, her head slowly leaning to her right as she looked at Serephina in confusion. Emma, who furrowed her eyebrows, asked, "What do you mean by everything?"

Serephina's smile widened, although it seemed forced. "You ginger," she scowled, her smile disappearing in a matter of seconds.

"I can tell you know the meaning, ginger. And what about you, cyclops. Don't you have some explaining to do? What happened with your little confrontation with them? And you, big brains. What does this cyclops mean by escape? And why is green girl and giant here-"

"Woah, time out." Ray gripped her shoulders, stopping her from talking any further. He looked at her with his brows raised, the nicknames she had been spurting out was weird, couldn't she think of anything better than cyclops and giant? "What do you mean? We have no idea what you're talking about?" He said. "And escape? I told you, it was for tag."

"Funny." Serephina forced out a chuckle before giving the boy a glare. "Yeah right, you don't even play tag, Ray. I've never seen you so serious in tag since we were six!"

"She's got a point," Emma whispered towards the raven head. Norman quickly pulled her back, giving Serephina an apologetic look.

"Should we let you both talk in private?" Don asked, trying to slowly make his way to the exit. But it was a failure. Serephina held his sleeves before he could go away.

"No way, you're all going to explain why you look like you've seen monsters everyday. No more weeks excuses about scary stories and parents' yelling." Serephina gave a quick glance to Norman and Ray, who both looked away upon mention of the things they told her.

"But we're serious! We're not hiding anything!" Emma exclaimed, beads of sweat forming at the side of her head as she looked at the raven head in worry. After all, he was the one who strictly told them that Serephina shouldn't know anything about the demons, Gracefield's secret, and their escape until the time is right.

"Sure, ginger. Like I'd fall for that," Serephina grumbled. "You're not exactly the best when it comes to lying, Emma."

She saw right through me! Emma quickly darted her green orbs to the albino, who stayed quiet as he looked at Ray to do something.

"Okay, I think we should go to the fields now." Gilda made her way towards Serephina and gently pulled her sleeves. "I think Anna is waiting for us, you know?"

"I-" She gave them a glare. "Just because Anna is waiting, I'm letting you off this time." And before they could all sigh in relief, Serephina added, "But, I will talk to you guys later."

Emma shivered upon seeing Serephina's look.


"Okay, now let's get going." Gilda then pulled the brunette out the dining hall. Gilda then turned her head, giving them a look with they all understood.

Think of something.

Once the two girls exited the room, Emma quickly looked at Ray.

"What should we do?" she asked. "I think telling Serephina would be the best option we have. She could help us a lot, Ray."

"Yeah, why are you even hiding it from her?" Don asked, raising a brow as he waited for the boy to answer.

Norman already knew the reason. Ray had explained it to him just a day ago, of course, he couldn't forget it.

"Well..." Ray gave Norman a look, then looked at Emma and Don. "I can't say it yet. Now is not a good time."

"But she's bound to know about Gracefield's secret, Ray," Emma stated. "You're keeping such a horrible secret from her, and once you mention it to her, I can't even tell how horrible she'd feel when she realizes that she was just raised to become food for those demons and that her best friend knew it the whole time."

Norman sighed, backing Ray up. "Let's talk about this later, okay? We still need to take our daily exams and play tag." He looked at Don and Emma. "No one will bring this up later at dinner, okay?"

"Of course."

"Got it!"

Norman then looked at Ray, who stayed silent the whole time.

I know why you're doing this, Ray. But if you keep this a secret any further, the end will turn out bad.

Fact Eight
Out of all the children in Gracefield, Serephina thinks the most reliable one is Norman.

Fact EightOut of all the children in Gracefield, Serephina thinks the most reliable one is Norman

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