06 | Paranoia.

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"The people who adopted Conny must have been pretty strict, that's why Norman and Emma are acting like that," he said. "They must have been traumatized. It's the first adult they've seen in years and yet they got scolded. Wouldn't you be silent for a while if that would happen to you?"

"I guess you're right..." A pause. "I'm just being paranoid right now.."

"They're in the forest this time," Anna said as she glanced at the book which was placed on Serephina's lap. The two of them sat underneath a tree at the field as the other orphans played around. With nothing to do, they just decided to talk within themselves to get out from boredom. "I wonder what they are doing..."

"I'm not sure," Serephina mumbled, her eyes stuck to the hard-covered book that Ray had told her to keep before he went inside the forest. "But I'm sure Ray is confronting them right now."

Serephina felt Anna shift, as if she was shock on what she heard. "Really? So it really wasn't only us who noticed their strange behaviour, Ray does too.." the blonde paused as she looked up at the sky in thought. "I'm sure Mama also noticed."

"You think so?" Maybe Mama did notice. Serephina never felt unsafe around Mama, but these days, Mama has been putting out an aura which the brunette couldn't handle. It was like it was trying to lure her out. Like she was a prey. "Eh... Maybe.."

If Mama noticed, she should have called for assistance or something, to help her manage the other kids inside the orphanage.

And if she does call an assistant, Serephina isn't sure whether to be unhappy or scared.

The bell rang, earlier than the time it was supposed to be ringing to alarm us children to gather. Mama had met us at the field with a smile on her face. But even from afar, Serephina could tell her intentions were no good at all. She filtered her aura. Made sure to keep it sweet for the younger ones, and foul for the older ones.

But no one noticed.. not even the three kids who just went out of the forest after their little meeting.

Mama guided them towards the house. She told Don to gather them in the dining hall as she goes to pick up something, no, someone.

A few minutes later, as they all stood side-by-side, Mama comes back in with two people. One, the girl she held in her arms so dearly; two, the woman who had a sinister smile plastered on her face.

Serephina's breath hitched as she made eye contact with the unfamiliar woman. Her huge eyes were filled with excitement, but behind those, she had something else in mind.

Unconsciously, Serephina's hand made its way towards Ray's. The boy beside her gave the brunette a quick glance before looking back at Mama.

"Everyone, this is your new sister, Carol." Carol was a small girl with hair like Emma's. She looked do soft and innocent, just as the rest of the infants look like. Then Serephina slowly looked the the woman beside Mama once again, her curiousity filling up to the brim.

"And this is Sister Krone." Mama smiled as she made way for Sister Krone to step forward. "She will be helping me take care of you from now on, so please be kind to her."

Mama did notice the strange behaviour of both Emma and Norman these past few days. If not, she should have called any assistance and would continue taking care of us peacefully.

I didn't mind it though. At least Emma and Norman's worries would be tended to. They wouldn't be traumatized with the scolding Conny's new parents gave them anymore.

But, is that even true?

A few days later, Serephina sees Norman pass by her in a quick yet silent way. Her eyes managed to find the small bag he had held in his hand.

"Norman?" Serephina called out. It had been a long time since she had called him. Both him and Emma have been distancing themselves from her. And now that she thinks of it, Ray, Don, and Gilda were starting to become pretty silent too.

"Oh, Serephina." He looked at her, hiding the bag behind him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong at all." She forced out a smile, trying to make sure the boy was at ease. Norman always had a tense expression, his mind is always thinking of something. "But what's that bag you're holding?"

"Oh, you already saw it.." he mumbled before showing it to her. "It's actually some ropes. I've been hiding some inside the house to-" he froze as his blue eyes look at the girl in suspicion.

Norman, Emma, and Ray have already told Gilda and Don about the secret. But one person they haven't said anything to was Serephina. Ray told us that she should be the last to know, not unless the escape is already on the move.

Right now, he was setting traps for who the spy for Mama might be. And knowing how quick-witted was the girl infront of him, there wouldn't be any problem for Mama recruiting Serephina to join forces with her.

"You're acting weird again." Norman flinched as he was cut out from his thought. Serephina still had a smile on her face, but Norman could tell that she was angry. "You guys are always acting weird these days. Why don't you just tell me what's going on."

"Not yet..." Norman muttered out, his grip on the bag tightening. Serephina always managed to get them to spill secrets. Whether it had to be through the forces of tickling or through blackmail. "Not right now, Serephina."

"Really?" She grinned. Walking closer to the boy with her eyes gleaming of mischief. "Then I might just have to reveal the fact when you-"

"Dinner is ready." The bell rang. Both Serephina and Norman turned their heads to see Ray standing with a foul expression on his face. Norman mentally sighed as he glanced at Serephina. The girl's eyes never left Ray's.

As the kids went out of the rooms in a rush, Ray made his way towards Serephina. Norman backed off, hiding the bag of ropes behind him. Ray couldn't know his plan.

"What's with you?" Ray smacked the top of her head softly. "Curiousity kills the cat, have you heard of that? I swear, you should stop being curious for once..."

Serephina pouted, her hands on the top of her head, touching the area where Ray had smacked. "It's not my fault you guys look suspicious. You should just tell me what's going on before I snitch on the you."

"Don't snitch on us."

"Why shouldn't I?"


Norman watched as the two stared bickering, forgetting the fact that they still had to eat dinner.

Fact Five
Serephina likes adventure books. Reading them fills her with curiousity of what the outside world is like.

 Reading them fills her with curiousity of what the outside world is like

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