Bᴀᴄᴋ ᴛʜᴇɴ

Start from the beginning

The doors of his office snapped open and Sawyer's whole body froze. F*ck, was it Miles? Had he arrived to make Sawyer's life a living hell-ish annoyance again?

As fast as lighting, he turned around to see who interrupted his rest. It wasn't Miles, unless Miles had disguised himself into a chubby man with a bald head and a clean shaven face.

The man had a cluster of papers clutched in his hands as he remained still in front of the door.

Sawyer arched one of his brows. "Are you gonna stay there all day?" It was supposed to be a simple bland question however it come out more of a bark.

The man jumped finally finding the courage to take steps ahead, closer to the intimidating figure sitting carelessly behind the huge desk.

Sawyer figured it was his fault the man was shivering like a frightened rabbit. He had been pissed for days now and he made sure to make his bad mood known to the entire building and it's population this beautiful morning, scaring everyone in the process. He wouldn't be surprised if his secretary slapped a resignation letter on his desk by the end of the day.

"These are the lists of all our actresses." The man choked out, placing the papers on the desk and even going as far as sorting them out for him the way you brushed wrinkles off of folded clothes.

Sawyer nodded his head in acknowledgment, the papers taking all his attention. "That's all. You may go."

That's all the man needed to hear before he bolted out of the office, slamming the door shut with a clang.

Immediately, Sawyer began to scroll through the papers. Faces of smiling people stamped on them together with their information from their name, age, weight, salary and to the videos they'd made with their agency. It was a lot. He was almost taken aback by how many actors their company possessed and yet for some ugly reason they were making Zoe take all the dirty work while these actors hardly got any.

The frustration and anger he had been feeling the past few days hugged him ten times tighter.

Sawyer had an idea why this was happening. He was sure this was all a sick game of the f*cking higher ups.

"F*cking bastards!" He muttered, abandoning the papers.

His jaw was clenched so tight it'd have snapped off the hinges if he hadn't taken a deep breath and exhaled.

This was unnecceptable. Clearly he had a lot of work to do. Now that he'd made it all the way here he could change things but what if Zoe hated him for that? She would never accept anyone's help. The woman had turned annoyingly stubborn to the point of foolishness.

Ah, Zoe. His little angel with blue eyes and dark hair and the warmest and rarest of smiles.

He shouldn't be here drowning in sorrow and pondering over what ifs. He had given his angel a chance to leave and rip his heart to piece while doing so. What was he going to do if she really left? That shouldn't even be an option for her. He should've gone after her. Done something, anything to have her back in his arms. He should've tried to break the endless cycle of torture they had somehow put themselves in.

Instead he'd put himself out on a limb in his splendor office like a coward. Waiting for the dreadful moment she'd come stroll inside and tell him the dreadful, wrenching news that she didn't want him anymore.

He justified his impotence on the fact that he didn't want to become another controlling freak in her life. During her whole life, she'd been ordered around and controlled by other people, forcing her to do things she didn't want to do, leading her in the hell on earth she is today. He wasn't going to be that.

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