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I woke up from the gleam of light that hits on my face. And I can't move from where I am laying at. There's something tighten in my hands as well as my feet's that makes me unable to move properly.

The place was all white and more plainly than the other room I went to. The place is empty that you can't even see a thing except of the bed that I am laying.

I was left trying to lose myself from tying. Wearing the same hospital suit that I wore but it is cleaner than before.
I know there is still something in this room but I can't see it clearly without my glasses on. I feel so empty and at the same time madness inside of me.

I can't do anything but to scream loudly, louder enough to be heard outside. My tears drips down like it's unstoppable.

I was trying to loosen myself from the chained that tied me, and it hurts a lot.
I don't care of what would I look like now, with my hair left untie. Every strands of my hair move as I tried to sway my body.

I heard the door creaks open with mom facing at me. She looks so stress with her face and sadness in her eyes.
She look at me as if it's my the last day of my life.

The way I sees my moms eyes now, my eyes gotten blurry from my precipitates tears. Slowly dripping off my tears.

"Liozza my baby..." She added that make me stop from moving.

And now I can't stop my tears anymore.

Seeing my mom wearing her hospital gown with surgical gloves on both arms.

I've never seen my mom like this before, the way she looks at me and the way she act in front of me.

"Mom, help me..." I don't know why but I do, I beg her for my freedom. But I didn't receive any responds aside from her tear drops and shaking of her head. The answer that hurts me even more, I don't know why did they do these to me and why aren't my mom untied me.

"You will stay like that Liozza, until you will be cured..."
I was left froze hearing her words, I know she's not kidding. She really looks serious.

I keep on shaking my head, trying to endure the words which she said but there's nothing in my mind understand it. I don't know why she acted this way. I don't know why she's telling me unendurable words.

"Liozza.. you are sick"
The words she said that hit me. The words she said that makes me confused the most. The words she said that is unbelievable.

"Mom, you're kidding right?"
I laughed while asking her.

"Mom! What are you saying! It's me Liozza you're only daughter! You're daughter who love books and spent the day with books! Mom it's me!"
I shouted at her while laughing.

I see how she looks down and cries facing at me.

"I'm so sorry Liozza, I am so sorry"
She slowly walk towards me with her eyes full of tears dripping off her cheeks.

"You were not a Book lover Liozza, you just did love them because you have no choice at home but to read books. You have no someone around Liozza, that's why I ask Ash to be with you. So that you will free yourself from sickness. You are sick since before, and that's the reason why you always stayed at home. Whenever you were asleep in your bed-I always checked your condition,  but it gotten worst." She said while holding my hands. My tied arms.

"It's not true mom! I'm not sick mom! It's not true." I tried to convince her, I am not sick. But the way she look at me-it is telling me that I should stop and believes her. But it's imposible.

"Liozza, you're beliefs was wrong. You think that you always stayed at home because you wanted to, no! You always stayed at home because we can't just let you to go outside alone! If you think that I rarely spent time with you because I am busy at work, no! I always had a time but I don't want to see you living with that condition-that's why I only sees you sometimes....I can't carry myself seeing my daughter going crazy...."

I was left crying, looking at her.
Then suddenly the door opens and showed up my best friend.

I said while looking at her.
"It's not true right? What my mom said is not true right Aya? Tell me..."
I added.

Looking at her straightly waiting for her answer, but she only shake her head.

"Liozza I'm sorry..."
the words she answered to me.

"No! Aya! You are my best friend! You should be on my side! Aya please don't believe her! Aya!"

"Stop it Liozza...."
She said while looking down.

I want to cover my face while crying but my hands are tied up. I can't even move my body properly because of my feet that are also tied up.

"Liozza... I love you, I always do... I treated you as my bestfried, if you want to go back to me-with us? Listen to your mom...listen to us" The words she said before she left the room wiping her tears out.

"Aya! Help me..." I said while looking at her crying.

I can't just accept it! I am not sick!

I said as my dad enters the room with his smile on his face holding a red rose in his hands.

"Liozza" He run towards me then hugs me tightly.

"Da—dad, dad..."
I cried on his chest as if like I complaint.

"Liozza sshhh..."
He keeps on wiping my head trying to make me calm.
"Get well soon okay? Dad will wait for you..." At he said, It feels good. That there is still a one person who will comfort you at your worst. He handed me the red rose that he bought.

I clinched it throughly that makes me prick by its turn.

I love my dad'

Dad slowly walks away from my position closing the door.
While mom kisses my forehead before she let me lays on the bed. Closing my eyes.

I feel a sharp thing prick on me. A syringe.

"Good night Liozza baby..."
The last greeting I heard from my moms voice before I fell asleep.


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