Chapter 12

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After I got home. I went directly to my room with the book in my hands. The house was silence as no ones around even if there were households.

Mom and dad were still at work, while me making myself comfortably on my bed with the dim lights.

I went out to the kitchen to eat something when I felt like my stomach is reacting. The helpers prepared something for me in the dining and finish my food directly, the food taste good as always. We wouldn't hire a bad cook.

I went directly to the wash room and cleans my self. I chose a simple sleeping pair of pajama before blower my hair up. And puts my glasses on with the book on my hands preparing my self to read.

Morning comes, I noticed myself slept in my bed with the book in my hand, still wearing the pajama that I wore last night. I fell asleep while reading last night.

I get my book and glance it for a while when I noticed that I already red all the chapters and I can probably tell that I'm done reading it last night.

That fast?

I was about to stand up, when my phone buzz in the side table. Ut was a message from no ones number.

"I'll come over.."

That's the only message he sent me. And without the name in the screen I can tell who's the sender is. Its Ash.

I rolled my eyes, while looking in the screen.

Why would he come over? Did he know my address?

But why would he be?

I wasn't notice that I am already at the shower area cleaning my self up then choses a shirt to wear on. And my phone buzz again.

"I'll go get the book, I know your done already...see yah"

And this time, I set his name on the number registered.

Ash So Gay'

I laughed while typing his name in my phone. It's just I found him like a girl but I know he is probably not. I was in the middle of laughing from what I had done when my phone buzz again.

Ash So Gay

I'm already outside..

I crossed my eyebrows as I red his message. What does he probably meant with that?

I walk towards the window as his message registered in my mind.

He is really at the front gate.
Gosh' he really is So Gay.

I was about to open the door to go outside when I heard a foot steps walking towards in my position.

"Where are you going?"
Mom asked holding her coffee.

"Im just going to give this book."
I laid her my book in my hands.

"To a friend?"
I didn't answer her, and I went directly to the door and opens it.

"Here! And LEAVE!"
I pointed the way out of our village.

"That fast?"
He said while leaning on his car, both hands in his pocket straight looking at me.

"What freak else do you want?! You have already your book and you may freaking leave now!" I said with irritation.

"Oh-his your friend?"
I rolled my eyes and let out a heavy sighed when mom shouted from the door.

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