Chapter 14

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I found my self sitting beside the driver seats while staring on my outfit. I can't just believe that I wore this dress on. How would I resist? He will be my date and I should look like one. Wait? What did I just said? Date? Ah uh no its not even a date duh! I can tell that it is really good at me but I don't think that people who will gonna see me will gonna tell that its good.

This is not really my type at all. I rarely wear like this when Aya told me to. Even mom can't force me to wear like this, even on the church. I am not telling that I am oppose to my mom. Its just you can't forced yourself to wear clothes that you don't prefer to. But why with this guy I can't resist?

Shit! I was out of my mind that time that I don't even know what I'm wearing.


"I thought you're not gonna wear that?"He said,
His hands is still on the steering wheel while taking a glance on me referring to my dress.

"Will you please shut the hell up and focus on driving?"
I rolled my eyes on him, he is smiling like teasing me knowing that I wore this dress on that he chose. I hate the way he smiles now, it looks like he is complementing or what.

"You look good—"
He said. Cutting his words. I look at him with my confuse look.

I stop a bit.

"Almost—if you have fix your self" He added.
His complement slash almost an complement leads me to embarrassment. I glared my eyes on him and move my sight to the other sight to avoid his glaze. I can't look at him from what he had said.

Am I not fixed already? I've wore what he wants and now he wants more?

Nope it's not an embarrassment—he is just making me lose my self confidence! Yeah! That's it...insult

What the hell is that!?

"Do you think that you look good with that?" He added.

I felt an anger inside me that make me thinks that I am ugly with my usual look. If felt like he us underestimating me, it is so embarrassing that. Coming from the word of a guy, I never felt like before.

I felt bad...really really bad.

I didn't even know that he stopped the car. He looks at me seriously taking a look in my whole face. I can't just really face him straight on his face right now.

He gestured his hands towards my face. I didn't move, instead I watch him as he slowly move his body on me. I mean his hands on me.

"Remove this—and you're totally looking good"

My eyes gotten a little bit blurry when he removes my eyeglasses. He is holding my glasses now.
That was he referring to that'...

"Do you think that you look good with that?"

And now I don't need to feel little with my self anymore. But instead my self confidence just boost a little. I mean- I miss understood it?

I thought he's really insulting me...

"See? You look better Liozza"

I can't believe that he is much better now, calling me with my name for the first time. I didn't answer him. I don't know why, its just I feel like my cheeks is burning.

I let out a little smile then remove my sight on him.

He continued driving while me, I felt tremble inside of me. I can't just show to him what I really feels—specially now.

He stopped the car in-front of the Salon...
Wait...a salon?
What are we doing here?

"What the hell are we doing here?"
I stopped him as he about to open the cars door.

Didn't he heard me?

"Hey! I said!WHAT.are.we.doing.HERE?"
Saying each of the single words on him.

"Its a salon—what do you think...?Eating inside?"
He totally smiles like a freak and walk towards me opening my door. He really sounds like, he thinks of me that I didn't know what this place is.

"Of course I know!"
I groaned, rolling my eyes on him.

What a great philosopher!
Of course I know what does the salon does!

"Then why are you asking? As if I wanted some haircuts"
Smiling genuinely, I walk first on him towards the salon.

The salon is bigger than I had been went before, with Aya. All of the salon staff are boys. Oh my! Well as what I had noticed, they're the totally hot guys!

"Jaw drop—you might regret it later,come on" he said while holding my chin.

Ash stands on my way switching his sight to the stuffs then mine.

I didn't even noticed that he grab my hand clenching it to his. Is this even necessary?
A holding hands in salon?

The staff look over to us as we are walking inside the big salon. There are few costumers. And I might admit that this salon is so elegant.

"Ash BABY!"

I stopped from walking as I hear the man called his name, one of the staff called his name with excitement! Oh god! Now I know—this staffs had no difference with the recent salon we went with Aya. So that was Ash referred about.

"That's why we should hold our hands"
He whispers, while left a wink on me.
And he even more hold tight my hands on him.

I look at him and I don't care if he notice me staring straight on his face. I can't just believe that he is doing this, its not really a big deal at all but if I might be the one of the costumers here watching a couple holding a hands while fixing their hairs, I would probably say that—this couples are so sweet even in public? Oh gosh!

When I noticed that he didn't look at me back, I move my sight on him and sir straight on the swivel chair.

And now I don't have a choice!

To be continued

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