Chapter 02

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Wearing my headphones on, I slightly move my head up and down from the beat of the music while humming the nice tune.

My index finger scan to the books that piles in the shelves. Im looking for a new book that I haven't read yet. The library was huge that you can't roam around for a day. You need to take 2-3 days before you will search the whole place. There we're different books depending on the category which you would like to have. The library has its tables where you can actually stay while reading. Of course noise is always restricted in the area and silence must remain.

An hour of searching some books.

Finally I found 24-I mean add 1 25 all books that I choose to be borrowed. I was still 12 when I found out about this library so since then, this is where I borrowed books and some of my borrowed books were already mine because of my loyalty in this library.

"What's gotten into you that you only choose few of this?"
Lib was listing my chosen books.
One of the librarian staff. I knew and I can felt the ironic from his voice.

"I still have the old books that I had was a long chapter that I even spend more time in sleeping than reading those because of tiredness" I laughed a bit that makes him smirk.

He really does that, every time he's comfortable with the person he talks to.

After checking everything, I put my books directly in my bag, it was kinda heavy because of its ultimate thick . And decided to take a sit on the third long table.

I get 5 books and start reading the summaries. I always do, read the summaries first before start reading, it just that I want to know if the story is quite interesting. Sounds weird but that's what I am.

After reading all the summary's, I glance on my wrist watch and I found my self moving faster and arrange the books in my bag when I had found out that I am staying almost 3 hours in the library. My late on time makes me rattle and leads to my quick action.

I scream out in curse, when someone just bumped me when I was about to leave the library.

"Ouhhh...Im so—sorry"
The man quickly gathered all my scattered books in the ground.

I slightly sit that is enough to get my books from the freaking hands of the shit!

"Fck! Why don't you just watch where you going!"
I cursed  while holding my books and randomly put in my bag leaving the man without any word, I'm really in rush right now.

Quickly open the driver seat and throw my bag beside me. I started the engine and maneuver the car opposite than earlier.

Faster than earlier.

I park my car first before checking my side pockets to search for my list of groceries and starts walking towards the grocery area. I pull out a cart from its lane and push it from the food area.

Push my cart there....
Meat section

Vegetables Section


Carbohydrates and I stopped my cart when....

I scream in excitement and pull off the pile of book from its shelf, I get 5 books without looking to the title.

It was written in there that it was published by my best author... so I undoubtedly put it all in my cart. And continue getting the stuff which is written in the sheet of paper in my hand.

I was in the middle of pushing the cart mode, when my phone buzz in my pocket. Checking my phone and found out that it was.

It was a message from Aya.

Coffee shop 10:pm....

I put it back in my pocket after reading her message without texting her back. I only  reply, when I know I can't come but since I will come to the place which she sent, I won't type anything as a reply.

Aya is my best friend ever,
She's really my kind of opposite version of my self.

She's beautiful and sexy...
She had everything BUT BRAINLESS....not really! Its just sometimes,

Im not underestimating okay?

But still, she's really comfort and fun to be with.

I am so excited to read my newest book, so I take half an hour to find a free cashier to punch. But still theres nothing, all are occupied with bunch of carts full of items.

Stupid Bibliozza...
What are you expecting?
This is a public mall and all of the cashier station are occupied.

I'm 100% an impatient person.
I stop a bit and thinks for a second, holding my chin as if like I was really thinking for something.

"Ahhhh! I left my inhaler in my car! I need to be there on time!"
I scream while panting. Taking a deep breath on time. Holding my chest.

The people from the lane faced me as I scream in pain, I see how startle they were while looking at me with my situation catching a breaths.

"Oh—my! Here take my position and let's swap!" The granny on the first line approach me,  she really loos like worried.

"Give her way...."
The old woman move her cart as well as the others and I slowly pull my cart into the first line.

"Thank you....."
I slightly bow my head to them.
Still panting heavily while putting my food to punch.

The cashier quickly punch all of my stuff and pack it after.

I laid them my card and give it back after.

I run while pushing my cart with the packed food. Covering my mouth with my other hand, avoiding to make any sounds at the moment.

I laughed hard while jumping with my close fist as I am finally out in the mall.

"Shit! I thought it won't work!"
I continue while holding my stomach still laughing, I am really good in shit acts!

"You're really a good actress Liozza"
I talk to my self while tapping my shoulders for being such a completely bastard.

Actually I don't have anything in my mind that time and it was the only plan pup up..

I know it sounds bad, but who can blame me? I am really catching a breathe for an excitement to read my book! That's how obsessed I am.
You won't really feel that, unless you really love do love your books that much.

I let out a deep sigh before walking towards the parking area.
I arrange the packed foods in the compartment and start the engines to go home with a sad looking face.

I' still feel that what I've did was wrong thou.

To be continued

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