Chapter 29: Enter Haley

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"So smiley who stayed over last night?" Jax asked sitting next to me on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. He had just gotten back from his class and he wanted to watch Gilmore Girls with me.

"No one." I said simply.

"Oh come on you tell me everything." Jax pleaded.

"You don't know them." I lied.

"Ugh that's boring."

"I have a meeting in a little bit. I'm gonna go get ready." I said getting up from the couch.

"You're going to a meeting? Do you want me to go with you?" Jax asked.

"Ugh no Haley is gonna go with me." I said simply.

"Since when are you and Haley besties? Especially with this whole Jett thing going on."

"I mentioned going and she offered to go with. It's that simple. I'm gonna go get ready."

After my meeting Haley and I walked to a nearby coffee shop. We got coffee and were walking back to our cars.

"Haley what are we doing?" I asked.

"Honestly I don't know Brooke." She said simply.

"Me either." I said softly as we walked down the sidewalk.

"I uh do you know the reason I asked you to sit with us that first day?" She asked. I shook my head no.

"It's because I thought you were cute but then I found out you were straight so I let it go. Then I was with Felicity. Now over a year later here we are. Confused."

"I told Jett no because I wasn't ready for a relationship or to be with anyone."

"Are you not ready or are you just scared of getting hurt again?" Haley said simply. We stopped by our cars.

"I just... give me some time. Not a lot. I won't make you wait for long. I just need time to process and think."

"I'm prepared to wait." She said kissing me on the cheek before getting in her car.

I got in my car and rested my head on the steering wheel.

I didn't know what I wanted with Haley. I didn't know what i wanted with Jett. I didn't even know if I was over Luke.

I couldn't drink or do anything like that so I did the most reasonable thing i could think of. I drove home. Not to the apartment home but home to my mom.

When I got home I heard quiet talking coming from the dining room. It was 6:30 so i am assuming they were eating dinner.

"Got room for one more?" I asked walking into the dining room. My mom gasped and smiled then she made her way over to hug me.

"Brookey!!!!" Carly exclaimed.

"Hey girly." I said with a smile hugging her.

"What are you doing home?" My mom asked.

"I have the next few days off so i figured i'd come stay for a night or two." I said with a smile.

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