Chapter 18

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My nose is already running thanks to the windy weather. It turned bright red and I'm amazed how I'm the only one like this.

I sniffed all the way to the trash bin just to throw a couple of crumpled papers I hid in my bag. Just when I was done, I heard noises from the opposite hall. It was coming from the stairs at the side of the school in case of fire emergencies.

My curiosity got the best of me so I decided to check it out.

When I opened the door that has a sign 'fire exit' on it, a blast of thick wind immediately hit my face as a greeting.

When the wind seemed to have cool down, I opened my eyes and immediately felt dazzled by the view. You could see the whole town from up here, and in spite the cold weather, your heart could easily be warmed up by how magnificent scenery is. If this place wasn't meant for emergencies, then this would be the perfect place to relax and just enjoy the refreshing horizon.

I was utterly drawned to the view that when I rotated my head to each side, I nearly jumped in shock when I saw two people making out.

I sneezed as a reaction.

It was Jayce, and a girl I've never seen before.

Jayce opened his eyes and spotted me like he had already sensed me here. He pulled his lips out and took a breath.

"Pippa," he said, puzzled.

"J-Jayce!" I returned.

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked, his face obviously lost. He stopped himself from stammering, his face nearly flushed, and his eyes demanded an answer.

"I-I heard noises coming from here," I answered, finding this very offensive since I'm clearly bothering them. "I-I think I better go."

"Pippa, wait a minute." He said.

"Well I'm outta here," the girl whom he was making out declared. She practically sneered a look before bumping into me and closing the door behind her, leaving Jayce and I alone.

"I think, I should--" I thought but was disturbed when Jayce said; "Don't. wait,"

I looked at Jayce, waiting for him to finish his sentence. When he didn't seem he was going to continue, I decided I should instead; "Sorry for ruining that for you,"

"No, that was--it's fine." He tried, looking slightly not himself. "Ah-you know--" he stammered. "forget it." Looking like he had realized it didn't matter, he gave me his back and turned to the view. He let the wind brush his hair so smoothly and I wondered why the wind seemed so soft towards him?

At first I thought I would've gone back, however, I decided to stay and give a more proper apology for the intrusion.

"I'm sorry if I ruined it for you," I went up to him, suddenly feeling the wind blowing my hair as sofly as it is to him.

"You already said that," he said.

"I'm sorry if I interrupted you,"

"Same thing,"

"Okay," I gave up. "Sorry anyway,"

"You don't need to." He sighed with a small brush of his hair.

I frowned to myself. Deep down, I knew I was feeling upset for having to interrupt them. I feared that maybe I was starting to get in Jayce's nerves again. Not to mention to that girl he was making out with.

"Who was she?" I asked out of curiosity. If I'll run into her, then maybe I'll give an apology.

"Just a girl who's a year younger than us." He answered.

The Unexplainable Story of Pippa LawrenceWhere stories live. Discover now