Chapter 17

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It's monday and I just found out that our school was making us 'seniors', choose a special class to prepare us for college.

The options were alot; Multi media. Music. Literature. Computer. Tourism and other stuff. I was planning to go to interior design or architecture but unfortunately there were too many seniors who got in first before me. Guess it was a first come first serve kind of thing.

In the end, and since it was the less to be choosen, I picked accountancy. Math.

Marni went for music, Helga went for photography, Logan and Glen went for business, Jayce went for science since this girl name Alyssa forced him to, and while Pherso went for culinary but not for the knowledge, but for the free food he could possibly get out of it. I would've choosen that one too if I only realized it sooner that there was.

When I arrived at my new class, I searched for an open seat but so far, no luck. It was surprising how many people showed up in spite being the least to be choosen. Everybody seemed to be classy, and if not, kind of introverted if you'd asked me. Some were reading their books, texting, and while others were making a ruckus. I was also surprised that some jocks ended up here, not to mention some of Starla's pretty friends. They weren't those people who looked the slightest bit interested in numbers.

I gulped and hoped to see a seat sooner. Once I searched enough, my eyes happened to stumbled on a seat next to this very classy, elegant, well groomed, beautiful girl.

My eyes darted on her for a moment, absolutely stunned by the perfect beauty that this girl has. She was seated quietly at the middle of the class, straight bodied with a very graceful pose and poker face. Her light blond hair was in a neat, tight bun. Her flawless, pinkish skin was awe worthy and her outfit was the perfect definition of classy. She was wearing a white blouse, a long black jeggings and pale pink flat sandals. Her posture was very ladylike that even I felt conscious of my own. Her face was looking ahead while it didn't show any signs of emotions at all. Her hands were elegantly positioned on the table while her expensive looking bag was at her right.

It had to take me a few minutes to pull myself together and sit next to her while no one was attempting to for now.

I gulped again before taking the first step. After that, my walk kept up its pace and before I even know it, I was already seated next to this unknown beauty.

"Hi," I said as I titled my head to see her face clearer. She fiercfully moved her eyes at me and lightly nodded. "Hello,"

My Lord...

I tried to hide my muse expression, feeling concious on what she might feel if she saw. After I smiled, I immediately turned to the other way to make such a face that even I didn't know.

Who is this?!

I asked myself, freaking out.

Her beauty is so uncomparable to the rest. She was all natural, no make up in place but so perfect all the same. Her clothes were even different compared to the others. Her clothes wasn't relieving or showed too many skins or just playing playful. No, there were proper and classy, and I couldn't believe how a girl this pretty could bring the best out of this office-like attire.

"What's your name?" I happen to manage. The girl slowly turned to me, and when our eyes met, she obviously pulled off a look that shows the unexpected. She shot her eyebrow up and studied me in a brief moment.

"Caroline," she straighten up her posture, though I had no clue how that was even possible with how her body was straight enough before. Her face laced with confidence, and I couldn't believe how awesomily she pulled that one off. "Caroline Mckinley."

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