Chapter 6

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Truth to be told, lunch was probably my favorite time of the day. When I'm at school, that is.

I mean, I get to eat, and also get to be with Marni and Helga.

Apparently, whenever I'm in school, talking to Helga or Marni was definitely one of my most awaited things for the day. There was something about them that always made me feel welcome here in school. Aside from entertaining me, they just genuinely gave my surroundings a more comfortable feeling whenever they're around.

And also, not to be a downer, but besides Marni and Helga, I haven't made any process at all with making new friends. During my first day, it wasn't so bad. Girls actually talked to me and I really thought that things could get better for the next following days but sadly, I guess my theory was wrong.

Yesterday, and including today, I sensed that things changed. This is only my third day but I could already feel that people were approaching me differently. Like for Jana for example. Remember when I told you that we had a decent conversation the other day and how I even planned to make friends with her? Well, things got a little duzzy yesterday. I tried talking to her but she didn't seem interested at all as I attempted to. She somehow acted differently and she didn't even bother to glance at me.

I felt sad, of course. But I guess it's just something that I should understand.

Maybe she was just having a bad day...maybe.

Other than the cold shoulders, people had been really staring at me recently. Whenever I'm with Helga or the others to be exact. Like; Jayce, Pherso and Glen.

I didn't include Logan because I wasn't even trying to mingle with the boy. If anything, I've been trying to avoid him. He made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with me so what's my place to object? He was quite obvious too; obvious that he wasn't interested in making friends with me. And I don't think he would, anytime soon.

However, it still didn't stop me from wondering why though?

Not the Logan part, but the people staring at me whenever I'm with Helga and the guys part.

They somehow kept glaring at me and I can't understand why. I mean, I was barely talking whenever I was with them I couldn't understand why they seemed so interested in me? If anything, they should be staring at the Golden Boys when they pass by, not me.

I even had this weird feeling in my gut that they weren't only staring, but they were also talking about me as well. It was disturbing really and I've been trying my best to ignore it.

"Hey, I noticed something; where's Sean?" Helga started. "I haven't seen him for awhile. What's he been up to?"

Oh, speaking of Sean, I haven't met that one yet. I've heard his name a couple of times and I knew from the fact that he was one of the Golden Boys and how ridiculously handsome he is but—I never seen him, much less know he looked like.

"That little douche is probably up to no good." Pherso said, taking a bite of his cheeseburger. "Seriously, that little brat is a snob."

"Nah, he's probably just acting all cool again." Glen snorted. "You know how he is,"

"Yeah but he...sometimes...doesn't tell us anything." Pherso brought up his left leg. "Like, remember that one time when he went to Las Vegas and didn't tell us? Heck, we're his best friends, aren't we? He should have invited us or even told us about it."

"Yeah, but Sean is just like that, okay?" Helga sighed. "He's insensitive sometimes. You guys should've gotten use to that by now."

"Guys, who's Sean anyway?" I decided to ask. The curiusity had finally taken over me.

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