Chapter One

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"Maria. Do you think its a girl or a boy?" The man asks his wife as she was sitting on the couch watching her oldest daughter playing with her toy. She looks at her husband and smiles.

"I don't know. But whatever gender is. We will love them forever and ever." She said as she looks at her rounded belly. She puts her hand on the rounded stomach feeling the baby kicking skin. The husband sits down next to his wife and puts his oversize hands on top of her hand.

"I love you." The man said as he kisses his wife on the lips.

"Eww! Mommy and daddy are kissing." The oldest said as she covers her eyes.

"Mary. That mean we love each other and still have strong feelings for each other." The husband said and the daughter Mary runs up to her dad and kiss him on the cheek.

"That means I still love you, daddy." She said then she give her mommy a kiss on the cheek as well.

"Te Quiero." She said to her parents as she gave them a smile

"Yo también te Quiero." The parents reply. It was a good morning and soon the mother felt a hard kick in her stomach and then pain in her adornment and then water was coming out. She just broke her water.

"Josa. The baby is coming." The mother reply. She quickly runs to her room, while her husband follows and shuts the door. The girl was confused. She was only seven. She wanted to walk up to the door and open it until she heard a scream. It didn't sound like her mom screams, but it sounds like her.... dad? Mary cleaned her ears again and then heard the same scream again. That was definitely her father. She couldn't take what happen, but walked out of the house played in the dirt with the ball as she runs it on the ground and her hands go to each side of the ball.

In the house, the husband kept on screaming as his wife keeps pushing the baby out.

"Josa why are you screaming!" She yells in irritation of her husband action.

"Maria. It's just going so fast and your bleeding a lot and I don't think you're going to make it alive." He said that his fear was coming alive. With Mary, her birth wasn't really bloody, but she wasn't bleeding a lot, but with the second child he could tell that she was bleeding a lot and she would die here in their rooms where they sleep together he would have to take care of the children by himself.

The wife didn't say anything back as she kept pushing the child. Soon the wife finally screams her last push.

The husband cleans up the baby so it could take its last breath and then the baby started to wail.

"Maria?" The husband said as he looks at his wife. She was panting, but still alive.

"Josa. I am not going anywhere." She said and looked at the child that is in her husband hands.

"It's a girl." He said and starts cleaning the child as much as he can and then brings a pink blanket and wraps it around her child body and pass it to his wife. "What should we call her?" The husband asks and he looks at his wife. They already use one name in the bible, Mary, but what is a perfect girl name for the child she was carrying. She wishes that it was a boy so they could use the name Jesus, but that wouldn't work.

"I don't know. But when I was giving birth. I felt as I was graceful of bringing her to this world." She answers and then it hit her. Graceful. Grace. That works and she smiles and rocks the early week baby as she rocks her to sleep.

"Her name will be Grace." The wife finally answer.

"Grace Martinez. That fits perfectly." The husband said and looks at his wife and the new daughter name Grace. "I'll go get Mary."

He walks out of the room to finding his daughter outside playing with the ball.

"Mary! You're finally an older sister." He calls for his daughter. Mary looks at her dad and smiled. She ran inside the house and into her mom and dad room. She walks next to her mom and looks at the baby.

"Mama. Is it a boy or a girl?" She asks her mother.

"Nina." She answers to the oldest and Mary smiles.

"What is her name?"

"Her name is Grace." The mother said as she bundles the baby in her arms.

This is Grace. The youngest daughter she is Graceful of how she walks and very elegant and full of beauty in Grace and Mary. But they live in the underground city where they live, which isn't as safe for them.

Yo también te Quiero means I love you too

Te Quiero means I love you

Nina means girl

If you don't speak Spanish.

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