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Omg yall im so sorry I left you hanging😭 I have been so busy with work and Ives just been so tired, mentally and physically...Ive been so caught up with work because of the cOrOnTa ViRuS, and a lot of things were happening where I forgot about this story. BUT I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON IT!!😤 I will get this story done no matter how long it takes, and I hope you guys can wait for me🥺 Again I am so sorry!

"The last thing Baekhyun heard before everything went black, was the sound of a gunshot"

Baekhyun slowly opened his eyes. His vision blurry, only seeing bright white lights. "I can finally rest and sleep forever" Baekhyun thought to himself with a slight smile on his face. He lifted his arm to hold the pain in his stomach, but groaned in pain when he felt the pain of a needle in his arm. Turning his head to the right, his vision slowly adjusted to the light and he saw a heart monitor and an I.V bag hanging on a pole right next to him. "What?" Baekhyun said in a soft confused tone. "Im in a hospital? Im not dead? But why?" He thought to himself.
"Baekhyun! You're Up!" Baekhyun turned his head to the left and there was Jongin, standing up from the chair with a worried face. "J- Jongin? wh-what happened? Why am I not dead? Why am I here?" Baekhyun asked, sounding sad. "What do you mean 'Why are you here?!' Daehyun tried to shoot you! but luckily the cops came right before he could pull the trigger on you but they shot him. They tried to shoot him the shoulder but he moved to aim at them, they ended up shooting him in his stomach. He is still alive, but unconscious. They pierced his lungs so they are operating on him right now. You don't remember?" Jongin explained.  Baekhyun sat there silently, looking down at his hands for a couple of seconds and then looked up at Jongin and shook his head. "The last thing I remember was hearing a gunshot, and then everything went black" Baekhyun said.
       Jongin was about to say something but there was a knock at the room door and a nurse walked in and bowed. "Hello Baekhyun, I am Kim Yena. I am your nurse for tonight. How are you feeling right now? Any pain or discomfort?" The nurse asked.        "O-Oh, Yes, I have a pain on my right side of my stomach" Baekhyun says softly as he tries to touch the spot where it hurts. "Okay, Is it a sharp pain? Stabbing pain? Or Throbbing Pain?" The nurse asked while touching the side of Baekhyun's stomach. "Its a sharp pai- OW!" Baekhyun winced in pain when the nurse pressed on the spot where it hurts the most. "Oh my! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! But yes it does look like you have severe bruises" the nurse says while she examines the bruises. "Okay! I will be back with pain medication and shortly after the doctor will be right with you!" the nurse said with a bright smile before she bowed again and exited the room. Both Jongin and Baekhyun bow back while saying their 'Thank you's.'
"So how you feeling baek?" Jongin asked. Baekhyun was just pouting, "I don't want to be alive, Im tired, Im sore, and Im done" Baekhyun started tearing up. Jongin leaned in to hug Baekhyun. "Hey don't say that hyung! Every time you say that you break my heart, you make me so worried and I don't know what I would do without you!" Baekhyun started sobbing hard into Jongin's chest, making his shirt wet. All jongin could do was rub baekhyun's back and comfort him. After a couple of minutes, the sound of crying stopped and a soft "I hate him..." came out of baekhyun. Jongin pulled back from the hug, unsure of what Baekhyun meant. "What?" Jongin asked. "I hate him" Baekhyun said in a louder and angrier tone with a frown on his face " I hate him...I hate him, I hate him, I HATE HIM!!" Baekhyun started getting loud. " I FUCKING HATE HIM! I HATE WHAT HE DID TO ME! I HATE THAT I LOOK LIKE THIS, I FUCKING HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!" Baekhyun shouted while crying. "YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ME FUCKING DIE!!!!" Baekhyun started to rip the I.V out of him and proceeded to try and rip the bandage of him. But Jongin hopped on top of him with his legs on both sides of him and held Baekhyun's arm down to the bed.
"Baekhyun stop! What are you doing!?"
"No baekhyun stop! You're not thinking straight and you need to calm down!"
Baekhyun's face was red with tears and tears rolling down his face. Jongin swiftly pressed the emergency button and the nurses and the doctor were already coming in.
"What happened?" The doctor asked.
"He started getting sad and then mad, then he ripped the I.V out of him and tried to do the same with his bandage! He wants to commit suicide! Please help me! I don't want to lose him!" Jongin begged with tears starting to roll down his face, looking at the doctor pleadingly all while still holding Baekhyun down who was still fighting.
The doctor left the room quickly, but came back with a needle in his hand. "Okay, Im going to inject this into him and it will make him calm down and then fall asleep, keep holding him." So jongin did as he was told and looked at baekhyun who was still crying and fighting. All of a sudden he saw baekhyun's eyes open wide and a gasp come out of his mouth and stopped fighting, the doctor inserted the needle into baekhyun. After a minute Baekhyun calmed down and just stared up at Jongin with tears and sadness in his eyes. Then after another minute he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Jongin slowly let baekhyun go and stood up off the bed still looking at baekhyun worriedly. "He will be alright, don't worry okay?" The doctor said. Jongin just nodded his head. "I will be back in a couple of hours when the drug has worn off. Also, I just finished his partners surgery, I believe his name is Jaehyun? and I would like to talk to Mr. Byun when he wakes up. Jongin frowned at the name but decided to push to the back of his mind. "Thank you Dr?" "— Kang, I am Dr.Kang." "Thank you Dr. Kang" Jongin reached his hand out to shake his hand and they shook hands while jongin bowed and then the doctor left the room. Jongin turned around to look at Baekhyun. He walked over to the side of the bed and held on to baekhyun's hands with both hands. "God...Please help him, please..." Jongin said before he also left the room to go to the nearest restaurant to get food and freshen up.

To be continued....

Thank you guys for reading! And thanks again for waiting so long!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER! Sorry its so shitty😭😭

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