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       (I would like to apologize in advanced for any misspellings or bad grammar and punctuation but I hope you enjoy)

Baekhyun was sitting at the lunch table with his group of friends. His friends consisted of Jongin, Taemin, Lucas, Mark, Ten, and Taeyong. Baekhyun was thinking about life after highschool. Considering graduation is tomorrow, he wasn't sure what his friend were doing, all he knew was he was going Seoul National University to study music. 'Are we all still going to be friends?' Baekhyun thought. He began to get anxious.
      "So Guys, What do you all plan on doing after we leave high school?" Baekhyun asked the group. The group looked up at him together with food stuffed in their mouths. They all knew what they were all going to do after, they just couldn't tell him. Each of them had their own mafias they wanted to be a part of. They didn't want baekhyun to be involved with that kinds of stuff nor did they  want to ruin the boys innocence.
   "I don't know man, I haven't really gave it much thought. Im planning on just working with an old friend when he takes over his fathers gan- *taemin kicked Jongins leg* BUSINESS! Yeh- he he business..." jongin replied nervously and looked down. "Wooow! What kind of business!?" Baekhyun asked while looking like a curious puppy.
       Everyone started getting nervous and wasn't sure how to reply to him. Taemin started, "Well, you's more of like um, like a business where you uhh." Taemin looked to others for help so mark stepped in to help,  "Its- its a business wheeeere- Where people, yah people" everyone nodded to make him keep going  "wheeeere."  **RING RING** The bell for class rang and everyone but baekhyun stood up and ditched the table as fast as lightning leaving baekhyun confused.


     Baekhyun's groups of friends are walking back to class without baekhyun.  "So tell me why we can't just tell baek what we are doing?" Taeyong asked. Ten slapped Taeyong On the back of his head, "Because you idiot! It would crush his little heart when he finds out his own best friends, are going to be DRUG SELLING KILLERS!  that he is always scared of when he sees them on the news." Now it was Taeyong's turn to smack Ten on the back of his head, "Why don't you say it more louder so the whole fucking school can hear it dipshit!"
"ASS WIPE!" they argued back and forth
    Ten was about to slap Taeyong again but Jongin stopped them,  "Stop fighting like little kids and lets just go to class!" and he started walking away.
      Taeyong looked at Ten with annoyance and stuck his tongue out at Ten. Ten slapped Taeyongs  tongue and ran away laughing .  Taeyong was shocked at first but came back to a realization, "YOU LITTLE SHIT HEAD COME BACK HERE!" Taeyong chased Ten down the Corridor with  Ten laughing his ass off. 
     "And I thought I was the youngest one." Mark said as he chuckled, he shook his head  and sighed and followed the rest.


    Baekhyun and Lucas both had the same class, so baekhyun was a little annoyed Lucas didn't wait for him to walk together. Baekhyun walked up to Lucas' desk and flicked Lucas on the head.
"Ya! Why didn't you wait for me?! You all just left me alone!" baekhyun softly yelled   "Sorry Baek we all just had to...." Lucas was thinking really hard of an excuse scratching his head,  "we all really needed to use the bathroom!" Lucas nervously said hoping baekhyun would buy it. Baekhyun looked at him with doubt, but decided not to argue with him since the teacher came in and he went to his seat behind Lucas. Time passed and school was finished and they all went home to prepare for graduation the next day.


      The group of friends were all sitting in a café together to celebrate graduating
"Well, we graduated!" Taemin said with joy. "I know I can't believe it! After 12 years of being stuck in school we are finally done!" Lucas said. The group all high fived each other and cheered. When the cheering died down and baekhyun got curious again.
      "I Didn't get to ask you guys this at lunch yesterday because you all ditched me when the bell rang." Baekhyun said with a glare. "But I wanted to ask, are we all still going to be together? Like hanging out before we all leave for school or whatever you guys are doing?" They all looked at each other with sadness in their eyes and it made baekhyun worry.  "Whats with all the sad eyes?" Baekhyun asked. Jongin decided to speak up first since he knew baekhyun the longest. "Baek.." there was a short pause but he continued. "I'm sorry we didn't know how to tell you this but, most of us are leaving tomorrow for our -"  "WHAT!?" Jongin didn't get to finish his sentence because he got cut off by baekhyun. "You're all leaving me!? TOMORROW!? And you didn't tell me this sooner?! You were all just planning on leaving me like that?!" Baekhyun yelled out with disbelief. "We didnt even get to spend our last summer together!"  Baekhyun started tearing up and they all looked down not wanting to look him into his eyes or else they would feel more guilty.
      "How long are you guys going to be gone?" Baekhyun asked with a slight angry expression. It was silent for a while but Mark decided to answer, "I'm not to sure, our profession or career we chose it's all unpredictable."  "We could be gone for weeks or even months." Taeyong said. "Or forever" ten said under his breathe, but baekhyun heard it. "What?! What do you mean forever?!"  Jongin sighed and went to hold baekhyun's hand. "Look baek, we all ended up choosing the same career as each other and it involves a lot of crime so we have to start early" Jongin said trying to be as clear as possible. "So you're all gonna be involved with police work or something?" Jongin chuckled with a hint of sadness in it  "Something like that." Jongin said softly. Baekhyun took his hand away from Jongin and stood up. "I don't know why you all couldn't tell me this sooner, it's not that big of a deal! I am not a baby!" They all looked at baekhyun with sorrow and some guilt because they could not tell him the truth. "No baek, that's not wha-"  Lucas tried to talk but was cut off.  "You know what, whatever. You all have my number. Give me a call when you all comeback" baekhyun said with tears in his eyes and ran out of the café. They watched baekhyun's back leave the café, not knowing this will be the last time they would see him until 5 years later.

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