Chapter 1

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9 months ago...

Sam, Callen, Alexa, Hetty, Kensi, Deeks, Nell, Eric, and Michelle sat in Callen's surprisingly not empty living room.

"When did you get a couch?" Kensi exclaimed.

"When did you get furniture?" Sam laughed.

"I got it." Alexa said. Everyone laughed.

"Well if we are going to have a family, it's gotta look like a home." Callen said.

"Awwww." Kensi and Michelle squeaked. Callen's face turned red.

"Haha you're a tomato." Deeks laughed. Kensi punched him in the shoulder. "Ow."

"Well congratulations!" Hetty said holding up her glass of wine, that Michelle brought.

"Cheers!" Everyone said holding there glasses.

"I can't believe you're getting married before me?" Deeks says. Everyone laughs except Deeks. "What?" He says looking around.

"Really? You thought you would be married before me?" Alexa asked.

"Well yea." Deeks replied.

"Okay then." Callen said trying to hold back a laugh.

"What?" Deeks asks again.

"You don't seem like the settle down, family time type of man." Alexa laughed.

"Well I am." Deeks frowned. "Actually I'm in a relationship right now?"

"Really and how's that going?" Sam asked. Kensi squirmed in her seat. Nell put her hand on Kensi's shoulder.

"It's going great, I think. I really like her. I mean she's amazing and super beautiful." Deeks smiled. Everyone stared at him.

"You do know that we know who you're talking about right?" Nell said.

"No you don't." Deeks spit out.

"Yea, we do." Everyone said in union, including Hetty. Everyone turned their head to her.

"Oh I don't mind." She said. "It's the same with Nell and Eric." Nell and Eric turned red.

"Wait, what?" Callen, Sam and Deeks exclaimed. Alexa, Michelle, and Kensi laughed.

"You knew?" Sam and Callen said to their giggling women.

"Girls talk about boys." Alexa stated.

"Boys talk about girls, but Eric said nothing." Deeks said.

"Um yea I don't really talk to you guys." Eric butted in.

"Yea you guys should all hangout more." Alexa smiled. All the boys looked at eachother.

"Um I guess." Eric said.

"Why not." Callen smiled.

"Stop smiling and I'll go." Sam said nodding to Callen.

"Let's go surfing." Deeks smiled.

"NO!" Eric, Callen, and Sam exclaimed.

"Bleh." Deeks pouted.

Everyone laughed.

"Well when there's guys night trees girls night!" Michelle exclaimed.

"Amen to that." Kensi said.

"To babies, weddings, and nights out with friends!" Alexa said raising her glass.

"Cheers!" Everyone said. Glasses clinked.



"Where is he?" Alexa asks Kensi.

"Almost here Sam picked him up they are coming." Kensi replied.

"So is this baby!" Alexa said getting more flustered.

"Just breathe. Everything will be fine." Kensi assured her. Kensi sat at the edge of Alexa's hospital bed.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." Kensi shouted towards the door. In walked Deeks, Hetty, Michelle, Nell, and Eric.

"WHERE IS HE?!"Alexa yelled.

"You know what, I think this is a girl thing so Eric and I will be in the hall." Deeks said and grabbed Eric. They exited the room.

"Sweety breathe. I've been through this and trust me girl if you want something you better ask for it now. A man will do anything not to get on the bad side of a pregnant woman giving birth." Michelle smiled. The room filled with laughter.

"Thanks Elle." Alexa smiled at her.

"I can't wait to spoil this child." Nell and Kensi giggled. They bounced together holding hands.

"Oh god." Alexa laughed.




"She's going to kill me." Callen said.

"Well whose fault is that?" Sam laughed.

"This isn't funny Sam. Can't you drive any faster." Callen said seriously.

"I'm going 10 over the speed limit G. If I go any more than she will kill me for getting you locked up on the day your kids born." Sam responded.

"Why is it taking so long?" Callen sighed.

"Someone's nervous." Sam said concerned.

"Well yeah, my kid is being born and I'm not there and I'm getting married soon so." Callen said.

"Hey you're about to be a dad, which is the best thing in the world. And you're marrying the woman you love, also the best thing in the world. Nothing to be nervous about." Sam advised.

"You're right, this will be a good thing, no a great thing. I'll finally have a family. Callen smiled.

They pulled up to the hospital and parked. Sam and Callen got out of the car and ran inside.

Happy Holidays!!! Hope you had a great holiday and year! Update will be Dec. 31 !!!

I need baby names btw. So suggestions? Can be boy or girl names I haven't decided gender yet. Whatever name I choose I will dedicate the next chapter to you!

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