Chapter 5

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Sam and Callen look up to see Eric.
"We've got a case." He says and walks back to ops.

"Thank gosh. I need work." Callen said joyfully and bounded up the stairs with Sam by his side.

"Yeah I remember those up all nights." Sam said. "You're gunna miss that when he gets older though."

"Really?"  Callen asked as they got to the top.

"Nah." Sam smiled and they walked into ops laughing.

"What's the joke?" Deeks asked. Him and Kensi were already in ops.

"Something you will probably never know." Sam replied. Deeks whined but didn't say anything.

"Okay guys, we have a possible kidnapping or homicide case." Nell says walking over to them.

"Who is it?" Callen asks.

"Lieutenant Roxy Hale." Nell says. Deeks raises his hand. "Yes it's her real name and no she's not a stripper." Deeks lowers his hand. Kensi hits him.

"Really it was just a question." He barked. She gave him a look and he turned away.

"Alright work address to Kensi and Deeks. Me and Sam will head to her house." Callen ordered.

Nell nodded and went back to her desk. The team left ops and headed to their destinations.



After visiting the victims home and work both teams returned to hq to find Alexa and little Leo seating at Hetty's desk.

"What are you doing here? Did you drive? Are you okay?" Callen said running up to them worried.

"We're fine, I just wanted to bring him by the office and yes I drove, why wouldn't I." Alexa replied.

"Because..." Callen didn't know how to answer.

"He's just overprotective. Give him some slack he's a bit new in the whole family thing." Sam said.

"Thanks buddy." Callen smiled.

"Yeah okay. But try to be more calm next time. Leo doesn't like when people run at him." Alexa said looking down at the cute little baby.

"Sorry." Callen said leaning over and kissing her on the check and petting Leo's head softly.

"Well he's got your haircut." Deeks said walking over and put his finger up to Leo's hand. "It's so tiny."
Leo wrapped his tiny hand around Deeks finger and everyone thought Deeks was about to cry.

"Awwww!" Alexa and Kensi exclaimed.

"He likes me." Deeks smiled. "Strong grip kid." He said trying to pull away but Leo didn't let go.

"Yes he is cute, but we do still have a missing lieutenant." Hetty said popping out of nowhere in her ninja like ways. "Back to work, but not you Alexa."

Alexa groaned, but stayed seated as the team left and Deeks finally got his finger away.

"Don't tell anyone, but it's nice having someone shorter than me around." Hetty laughed. Alexa smiled.


Sorry for the wait, I had some family issues to deal with but everything's good now and I should be updating regularly again!
Thanks for waiting and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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