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the rest of the school day went by quickly. no one had any more breakdowns, ran out of class, or had any urges to punch something.

tyler had agreed to meet up with brendon and frank after school at the cafe that he and brendon worked at. he didn't really want to though. it seemed as if everywhere he went gave him bad memories of him and his ex.

he was luckily off today, but brendon wasn't, so that was a plus. he got to watch brendon suffer while he and frank got free coffee.

he said goodbye to his friends and made his way out to his car, speeding his walk up when he suddenly remembered that his car was parked just a few spaces over.

climbing into the driver seat, tyler let out a breath of relief. he threw his bag into the passenger seat and started his car, quickly getting out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

he plugged in his phone to the aux and started blasting whatever came on shuffle on his playlist.

he skipped a couple of songs until one caught his ears in particular.

tyler thought he got rid of all of their songs.

he blinked back tears and skipped the song, finally settling on one that he liked and continued forward, trying to get the tune out of his head.

every song they ever 'claimed as their own' was no longer in any of tyler's playlists. he just couldn't listen to them after the breakup. there was no way.

he finally pulled into the parking lot of the cafe, looking at the building with a sad expression.

this was such a bad idea.

but of course, he couldn't let his friends down.

he finally worked up the courage to get out of his car and enter the cafe, the sweet aroma of dirty coffee beans made him smile.

he greeted his boss and took the booth way off in the back and waited for his friends to arrive.

he heard the bell of the doors go off. assuming it was his friends, he looked up but was only met with a wave of sadness and a little bit of anger.

of course, he had to be here. and his friends too.

for a split moment, tyler thought about just making a run for the door, but he felt frozen to the booth. so he just pulled his phone out and made sure to keep his eyes trained on the screen.

his leg was bouncing anxiously under the table as the bell to the doors rang again. he didn't look up until he saw frank sit down across from him and, in the corner of his eye, brendon walking into the staff room.

he looked up and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and managed a forced smile.


"yeah, i know he's here, we saw him through the window when we were walking in." frank scowled.

"whatever, there's nothing i can do about it." tyler said quietly and sighed. "anyways, did you talk to gerard at all?"

"hey hey, shhh, don't say it so loud, jesus." he deadpanned. "and hell no, who do i think i am?"

"well, he is right over there, if you didn't know."

"what?!" he almost screamed, earning the attention of a few people around us.

"dude shut the hell up. and yes, why don't you go talk to him?"

"hell no. not in front of his friends... or that prick. i don't even know if he's gay."

tyler pursed his lips and gave him a look that said 'that's complete bullshit, he is so fucking gay and both of us know it'.

"ok, yeah, he is really fucking gay. but still, i'm not gonna ask him out when he's with his friends."

"alright, alright." i gave in and smiled when brendon came out with his apron on.

"hey, waiter boy!" frank called him over making brendon scowl.

"what do you want?"

"hot coffee, extra sugar, please. tyler?"

brendon rolled his eyes at frank and then turned to tyler.

"oh, no, i don't want anything."

other than wanting to completely run and hide that is.

"i'm charging you extra." brendon sneered to frank.

"what- hey, i thought i get coffee!"

"only when tyler's on duty," he smirked and walked away to make frank's drink.

gloomy. ~ joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now