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tyler was dreading today. the first day of senior year.

he was nervous to say very generously. he wasn't even out of his home and he was already on the verge of tears. just the mere thought of bumping into him made him want to curl up into a ball and cry.

he made sure to get ready extra slowly. taking an extra minute to brush his teeth. taking more time to find the right outfit even though all he ever wears are skinny jeans and long sleeve tops now. running his hands through his hand to try and tame it just a few more times than normal. anything that would delay him from leaving the comfort of his bedroom.

"tyler! hurry up or you're gonna be late!"

that made tyler cringe. 

slowly, he made his way downstairs, getting sadder with each step.

"there are you are!" his mother exclaimed. "hurry up and eat so you can get going." she placed a plate of eggs on the counter, but tyler just shook his head.

"no thanks... i'm not hungry."

his mother, kelly, gave him a sad look.

"tyler, i know you don't want to do this, but you have to. you can't just drop out and bum around the house until you're 30."

"well, can't i just skip today? or take online school?" he proposed in a desperate tone.

"i'm afraid not. and no, you can't skip today. waiting around will just make you more worried. it's best to just get it over with, see what classes you have with him, and if there are none, that'll be great. plus, you always have brendon and frank, you know they're not going to let you go through alone. plus, you have mr. ross to talk to as well. you have so many people to be around that will help you. now c'mon. eat up and then get going."

tyler smiled for the first time that morning. "ok... thank you," 

"of course, honey. your keys are on the table."


tyler pulled into the parking lot, turning the radio down that he had been using to block out his intruding thoughts. he scanned the outside of the building, unable to find any of his friends which made him scared. 

suddenly, a car sped past his making him jump from the sound. he looked over a few parking spots down where they had parked and immediately looked away, getting sent into panic mode. 

it was the same stupid car he used to cruise around in the passenger seat. 

he rested his head on the steering wheel, closing his eyes tightly to stop the tears that started to attempt to escape.

don't look at him, don't think about him. just find your friends and everything will be ok. and if you can't find them, don't panic. go see mr. ross. he always in his classroom. and if he's busy talking to brendon who has a massive crush on the teacher, hide in the bathroom and cry.

that sounded like a good plan.

reluctantly, he lifted his head, relieved to see he hadn't left his car yet, and quickly grabbed his bag out of the passenger seat, jumping out of his car and speed-walking to the building. 

he frantically looked down the halls for any of his friends. managing to pick them out of the large crowd, tyler made his way to them, letting out a breath as they greeted him.

"hey! there you are. we were starting to think you weren't gonna show up today," brendon said as tyler looked around.

"trust me, i didn't want to." tyler muttered, finally facing his friends with a gloomy expression.

he met brendon in freshman year. he just moved to ohio from california over the summer and since tyler was so much more extroverted then, he decided to say hi, and now they're four years deep into the best friendship. 

they met frank a year later. again, he was new and brendon decided to let him join their two-way and make it a three-way, no sexual pun intended.

"dude, don't even worry about that asshole. we got it if he tries anything with you." frank assured the boy with a small smile before turning his attention to his crush, gerard way, who just so happened to be walking down the hall next to him. 

"c'mon ty, we'll leave frank to his swooning." brendon said as he grabbed tyler's hand and pulled him down to the opposite of the hall.

"do you think he'll actually say to gerard?" he asked, trying to get tyler's mind away.

"i-i don't know. he hasn't done it even once so i doubt it," he said quietly, his eyes trained on brendon's shoes as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

brendon rested his hands on tyler's shoulders. "hey, don't even think about him. don't waste your energy. you deserve so much more than that scumbag."

tyler let out a small breathy laugh. "o-ok... i won't... i promise."

gloomy. ~ joshlerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt