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"can i open my eyes yet?"

"no!" josh laughed. "be patient, we're almost there."

"you know i am far from patient, babe."

josh led tyler a couple more minutes until finally, they had reached their destination.

"ok... you can look now."

tyler slowly opened his eyes and gasped at the sight.

the spot was absolutely beautiful. deep in the woods with a clear view of the sunset, a blanket set up on the ground with a picnic basket and a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne in it, surrounded by the bright green grass and beautiful sun that was just starting to set.

"this is amazing josh!" tyler exclaimed as he pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug. "i think it's even better than the date i planned last week."

"well, of course, it's better, planned it, silly."

tyler chuckled and pulled away from josh, his hands still resting on his sides. "shut up."


they smiled at each other before sitting down on the blanket, josh pulling out the food from the basket while tyler immediately went for the champagne.

"did you steal from your parent's stash again?" tyler asked with a small chuckle.

"nah, i couldn't risk getting caught again. i gave jordan some money to buy it for me. i'm surprised he did it."

tyler popped open the bottle as josh got the glasses out of the basket, tyler pouring them both a respectable amount.

they talked about anything they could think of, ate their food and drank half the bottle of champagne. they could've finished the thing, but they didn't want to risk getting too drunk, even if they were walking home instead of driving.

once they finished their food, josh set everything to the side so they could lay down and watch the sunset.

tyler curled into josh's side sleepily.

"tonight was really nice," tyler said quietly, looking up at josh.

"i'm glad you liked it. i had to go through a hell of a lot of teasing from my siblings because of this." josh joked making tyler laugh.

"as they should. i didn't think you were into the whole cliche date thing." tyler snickered, earning a very light punch to his chest.

"don't laugh at me, i could've just saved myself all of the trouble by just inviting you over to my house and order pizza while watching netflix."

"and that still would've been just as nice."

"so i did all of this for nothing? i could've just done that instead." josh groaned in a humorous manner

"hey," tyler started as he climbed on top of josh. "this was still really nice. thank you." he muttered before leaning and pressing his lips to joshs.

josh kissed him back immediately, resting his hands on tylers waist gently.

once they pulled away, tyler rested his head on josh's chest, letting his eyes close.

"don't you dare fall asleep on me, joseph."

"but you're comfortable and i'm tired."

"yeah, but the ground in uncomfortable and i can't carry all of this stuff, including you, back to my house."

"you could try." 


"ok, ok, fine." he groaned and sat up, getting off of josh slowly.

they packed up everything, starting their way out of the woods making small talk. 

"so, guess what i have for you if you spend the night tonight." josh sang out with a cheeky grin.

"is it food? i will take food over everything."

"wow, even me?"


josh scoffed. "i'm hurt."

"you should've seen this coming."

"whatever. guess you don't the ice cream in my freezer or my affection."

"josh, i was just kidding i swear, you're soooo much better than food." tyler said quickly, looking up at josh with wide eyes.

he chuckled. "that's what i thought."

they continued their walk out of the woods until they finally made it to josh's house, bringing everything inside and putting it where it should be.

"let me text my mom and ask her if i can stay." tyler said as he pulled out his phone. 

josh's parents absolutely adored tyler, they let him stay whenever he wanted and treated him as if he was really apart of the family. in a way, he kind of was.

tyler: mom, can i stay the night at josh's house?

mom: sure, but no funny business, tyler. how was your guys' date?

tyler: mom! we're not gonna do anything

tyler: and it was amazing

mom: good :) i'm glad you had a good time. have fun!

tyler: we will, bye

"she said yes." tyler smiled and pocketed his phone. 


"now, i think you owe me that ice cream and affection." tyler smirked, looking up at josh innocently.

"yeah, yeah,"

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