Chapter 1

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The floorboard squeaked under my steps, and I froze, knowing if I got caught, there would be no way I'll be left alone. If they caught me, I would constantly be watched. 

Completely sheltered.

My eyes steal a quick glance up the stairs, to see if anyone had heard me. But, luckily, there was not a sound from up there, no light flickered on. I breathed out quietly and kept tiptoeing my way out. I grabbed my jacket from the hook that hung next to the back door out of the house.

I snuck out into the brisk evening, a cool breeze whipping the edges of my jacket and strands of my blonde hair up. Turning around, I grip the cool bronze door handle on the back door and close it just as quietly as I had opened it. 

There, further towards the old farmlands that stood behind our backyard, was an old garage. Paint chipped from all the walls of the small wood walls, and loose boards dangled carelessly from the roof. Shingles hung off from there.

I wrap my jacket tighter around my midsection, as another breeze whipped by me. As quickly and silently as I could, I made it to the door that leads into the wrecked shelter.

With my palm pressed against the splintered wood, I push the door open. A small amount of light from the moon above sneaks into the entrance around me. In this very light, my fingers fumble on the wall beside me for the light switch. 

Finally, my index finger closes around the switch, and I pull it down. With a light hum, the overhead lights turn on above me, illuminating what was inside. A smile graces my face.

There, set in the middle of the garage, with toolboxes and spare parts scattered around the cracked floorboards, sits my jet black Toyota Celica. Looking at the sleek exterior, the shining paint coat, the brand new tires I had just placed on it, made my heart leap with joy.

"Hey beautiful," I whisper, as I close the door behind me and walk to the car. I trail my finger over the hood of the car as I head to the driver's seat, fishing for my keys from my jacket pocket. I unlock the car and get behind the wheel.

The shiny exterior of the car matches how it looks inside. It's immaculate, clean and almost new. I close the door behind me and slip the keys in the ignition. The car comes to life almost instantly, purring loudly. My smile grows at the sound, feeling the emotions flood inside me.

I opened the garage door with a click and backed out carefully. Once I'm out of the building, I close the garage behind me. That's when my foot hits the gas pedal hard, and the car tears off out of the gravel driveway and to the street.

I glance in the rear view mirror and see the cloud of dust, and smile as I take off down the road.


I pulled into the backstreet where all the others were meeting. Everyone was already there, sitting on the hoods of their cars or just hanging out. Many were inspecting their cars, getting off that small smudge of debris stuck to the side of the driver's door or checking under the hood of their tricked out engines.

I pulled in, and everyone turned and glanced over at me. They all cheered as I turned the car off and got out. I smile and pretend to bow as I slammed the door shut and walked over to the rest of the girls and guys, some of which are turning back to their cars as I walk.

Many of them hopped off their cars and turned to greet me.

"The champion has arrived," a loud female voice spoke sarcastically.

I turn to the voice and see Cara, one of the other racer's who were among us. Her brown hair was ties back in a ponytail. Her pink lips were turned upwards in a taunting smirk, and her hands were set on her hips. 

I lean back onto my car, crossing my arms over my chest and returning her smile. She just stands there, a growing crowd forming behind her.

"You're just jealous because you've never beaten me in a race before," I say, and the whole crowd behind her "ooh's" in unison. Cara turns and gives a glare back at the crowd, before glancing down at the ground in embarrassment.

"Is that a challenge?" She asks loudly, the crowd growing quiet. She takes a threatening step towards me, as if I were scared of her.

I shrug, still leaning my shoulder against the door to my Celica. Her dark brown eyes bore into mine, not willing to back down. 

"That's why we're here, isn't it?" I say with a smile. I turn to the crowd around us, my hands in there air. They all cheer as my arms fall back to my sides.

Cara shakes her head slowly, and I just stare at her intimidatingly, until she looks back into my gray eyes. Without a word, she turns and heads back to her car, a blue Chevy Camaro.

Taking that as her answer to the challenge, I open my door and fall into the driver's seat again. I turn the ignition, and a roar escapes from the engine of the car, and everyone around me cheers. They all step aside as I make my way to the dirt road where we will race.

I meet up with her Camaro at the beginning of the race track, a jagged spray painted red line at the edge of the dirt track. She glances over at me with a sneer on her face, but I don't dare meet her gaze. She rolls down the window and yells over to me, catching my attention.

"You're going down, Luna," she shouts over the roar of our engines and the shouts of the crowd.

I just rev the engine loudly and then call over to her through my open window.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that," I say with a smile, and she just rolls her eyes and rolls up her window. I turn my attention back to the road. One of the guys stands in between the two cars and calls out to us, holding a checkered flag.

I focus on the flag in front of me. I move a piece of blonde hair back behind my ear, and grip the steering wheel tightly in my hands. My breathing becomes rhythmic, and my eyes dart around the dirt road before us. I was ready for this.

The guy in front of us waves the flag downward, and I slam my foot onto the gas without any hesitation.

The tires squeal, and dirt flies up behind me as I tear off down the road, faster than lightning. Everyone back at the starting line cheers and hollers after us, as Cara speeds to catch up to me.

I can see Cara catching up on my left, and I notice the turn in front of me, a hard right turn. I wait a little for Cara to catch up a little closer to the middle of my car, before I do a loose right turn. My Celica turns, but not fast enough. But for me, this was my plan all along.

The tail end of my car runs into the front of her Camaro, slamming her off the track. My lips turn upwards in a smile as I complete the turn and take off down the dirt road, Cara no longer in my rear view mirror.

I can see the finish line coming up, and I cross it without any effort. I turn the car back to face the finish line, showering dirt all over the crowd waiting by the end of the track. They all cheer, covered in dust and mud behind me.

I stop the car once it's facing the finish line, and I watch Cara cross the finish line and brake quickly.

I put the car in park and open the door, stepping out just as Cara does with her car. She stares at me for a minute, panting and pulling a few loose hair strands back from her face. Her eyes are wide with shock, and her face has an amazed smile on it.

"Where did you learn to drive?" She asks, breathing heavily.

My smile kinda fades, but it quickly comes back. I glance down at my shoes and the dust below me, and then back up at her.

"My dad," I answer, "but if he knew I was doing this, he would kill me."

Street RacerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora