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With one hard blow, this time I was the one to be thrown on the ground. Groaning in pain, I wiped off the blood trickling down my nose. The match was going to be a tie if played with the same pace. And I need my fucking rest. With sweat rolling down my cheeks, I look up to see the the devil smirking upon me.

Ohh... How fun it would be to wipe that smirk off his face.

And that's what I was going to do. Grinding my teeth I slowly stand up in for the fight position- shooting him death glares at the same time.

"What- still not giving up!? You want me to break all your bones huh?" He mocked, resting his hands on his waist, cocking one brow up.

"Stop talking gibberish and fight, will ya? I don't have the whole day to beat your ass!" I snapped back, getting irritated by his disgusting ass.

Since he is taller than me I can take advantage of being the short one and attack on his lower parts. With this thought in mind I could feel my body burning with the newfound determination to finish this off. He clenched his jaws, fingers curling into fists as he stood in his fighting stance, waiting for the whistle to go off. Once the whistle was heard, he didn't waste a second before charging forward, throwing punches after punches towards me, but I was quick enough to dodge all his attacks by ducking.

Blood spitting out of the mouth, Kai choked on a groan when I knee-ed him in the gut with all my strength and swiftly moved behind him to put him in a head lock postion, pushing him on the ground. My curled arm tightened around his neck when he tried to break free from the choking position I pinned him to.

Panting, I simply waited for a few moments for him to give up. Once he patted my arm twice I felt my lips tug into a tired smirk knowing I had won. But before loosening the grip, I grazed my lips on his ear, my voice heavy with the seductive tone, "Now now... who's the one breaking who's bones, huh?"

Cheers and screams were heard as I pushed him further on the ground and stood up dusting my bloodied and sweat covered palms on the back of my muddy pants. I bowed to all the trainees, the higher ups, the General and to the Lieutenant who stood there judging the match.

But what I didn't know was the fact the someone behind me was filled with rage and revenge.

In a blink of an eye, I was pinned on the ground - landing harsh on my back, and the next moment I knew Kai's thick fingers were wrapped around my neck, choking me. Everyone gasped in surprise and horror, none expecting this. I was completely taken off gaurd and till the time I came back into my senses I was already half drained of oxygen.

I gasped in hopes of some of the air to go in but nothing. I scratched his hands, arms but nothing seemed to work. He was putting a lot of pressure, making it impossible for me to break free from the death grip on my neck. My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen and my vision blurred from the tears as I longed for the long gone oxygen.

"Such a whore! If only you would have chosen me you wouldn't be dying right now. And what did you think, you could win against me!?" He screamed on top of his lungs, but everything around me now was a muted mess as I felt myself slowly slipping into unconsciousness. Just when I was convinced that this was my end, suddenly the weight above me vanished.

Kai was abruptly pulled back by his hair and his head snapped to his side when a hard punch was landed on his jaw making an ugly dark Bruise.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!? First you loose in the match then you have the audacity to attack from behind!?" Roared an oh so familiar voice from above me. I didn't even have to open my eyes to know to whom the voice belonged. while the other trainees shivered with fear, not wanting to be the target for his anger to wash out.

"Who would have thought that you would be such a coward!? Our country don't need cowards or backstabbing jerks! Consider this as your first and last warning!"

Jimin continued, "And as for now, you will be washing the utensils for all the trainies till this training session ends on this island. Do you hear me?" He growled in a low voice, making it even more intimidating.

"Yes." Kai mumbled under his breath. But again a slap landed on the same side of his face where the punch had marked it's presence.

"Do you hear me!?" Jimin's voice raised a bit higher.

"Yes!" Kai said, avoiding eye contact with Jimin.

"Good. Now everyone get to work!" Clapping his hands twice, Jimin turned around flapping his glorious hanbok and made his way towards his tent, while I sat there shocked and breathless, trying to comprehend what all just happened.


"Are you sure of it?" Kris asked, sounding out of breath.

"More than anything," Kai replied looking over to his friend, "Now keep digging. We don't have much time."

"How dare he think he can just walk away after humiliating me in front of the other military staff!?"

"That too because of that bitch!"

Ohh you just wait and watch Jimin. You and your poor ex.

Thank you .
Happy reading.

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