- 𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙝 -

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I'm back! I'm sorry I've been gone so long but I have returned to finish what I have started at last. I hope you're all doing okay and I'm very glad to finally feel in a good enough headspace to finish this thing so please enjoy these honorary two chapters :)



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The revenge he had waited a thousand years for had been completed and he knew that in any moment Russell would come through the door in despair over his lovers death. Talbot himself had been reduced to a pile of blood and lumps of remains, Eric took pleasure in seeing it bleed through the Persian carpet the vampire had gushed about for hours end.

Eric sped to the room with the crown of his father in his hand, ready to take Nesryn away and find a safe place to remain. He knew such a thing was fruitless because he would be hunted until Russell would gift him the true death. Nesryn sat up from the bed, a vintage floral suitcase in her gloved hand.
"Is it done?" She asked innocently. Eric nodded and grabbed her arm and pulling her into a bridal lift before jumping from the window into the open air. "Eric?" She said as they landed in the car park of Fangtasia, the establishment had been vandalised and spoiled by delinquents and anti-vampire groups.

Upon landing gently, he unhanded Nesryn to the ground and she placed her palms on his chest. "I will not let you die for fulfilling your oath to your father. We will figure this out... like we always do." She attempted to reassure with a small smile but Eric's perturbed features were enough to know that no words would alleviate him. "Come... Pam is waiting."

They wandered inside to find Pam in a surprised state. Eric stormed away to his office and Pam looked at Nesryn in confusion and arrogance.
"What's got up his ass?" She mused and raised an eyebrow. The fae didn't say anything but walk into Pam's arms for her own comfort. The younger vampire was taken aback by the actions of the fae and took her into her arms and cradled her like a baby. Though she would take the beautiful fairy over a baby any day. Pam watched as she cried into Pam's shirt, noticing the watery tears running down the spandex black. She was left with so many questions that she didn't know where to start.

Eric placed the crown on the table and stared at it with his hands folded in front of his mouth. He studied its workmanship and remembered the day it had been lost from him. As he was about to shut his eyes, the office door slammed open with Pam holding Nesryn's hand as she attempted not to weep. Eric stood.
"What the fuck is going on?" Pam asked, her southern drawl on display in her anger and confusion.
"I killed Russell's lover, Talbot." Pams eyes widened so extensively that Eric thought it was the end of all time.
"Why the fuck would you do that?" She said in a higher raised voice to accentuate her anger toward him.

"I had my reasons."

"Well you better start listing them before I do something I regret." Eric immediately reacted with his own fury he had attempted to conceal.
"We don't have time!" Pam was taken aback by her makers harshness "Russell is on his way here right now and I need to think of a plan to maybe let him keep you alive!" Nesryn seemed to perk up at the idea.

"I-..." she spoke and stopped herself for moment, thinking through how she was going to explain. "We could bargain with me?" She asked and Eric scoffed at the ridiculousness of the idea. He would never do such a thing.
"My blood could-..." Eric suddenly had an unimaginably good idea.
"I know what to do. It could work... it could not but Nesryn... a hybrid fairy's blood effect in a vampire only lasts for?" She shrugged and estimated a rough number.
"3 minutes maybe, 5 at a push... what are you-... Sookie." She answered for herself and Eric grabbed his jacket before storming out.

"Where are you going now?" Pam asked as they stepped out the office and followed him to the entrance.
"I'm going to-..." he was interrupted by the entrance of Nan Flanagan along with 8 human mercenaries clad in full body armour.
"You're going to sit your ass down and give me some answers." She said, setting her briefcase down on a table.

They all looked at each other in discouragement and concern.

"What do you want Nan?" Eric asked stepping forward and the men surrounding her unsettled their guns to point him in the heart. Nesryn stepped forward, prepared to defend him if need be but Eric showed his palm to halt her from coming any closer.
"It's time for you to face The Authority." She said, unpacking her brief case and revealing the camera and audio equipment.

"Search the basement for any traces of blood." She said to the two front soldiers and they stormed through them and down into the basement. "Silver her," she motioned Pam and then turned her attention to the fae. "cuff her too. She's no human." Both women were cuffed behind a chair, the burning and sizzling sound of the silver on Pam made Nesryn flinch from her screams of pain and discomfort with the burning metal.
"Not a trace of blood of the magister Mr Northman? Since when did you get a degree in hygiene?" Eric growled as he was sat in a chair in front of the cameras.

"We know you killed the Magister." Nan said affirmatively, even though it was not true. "So now you're gonna give us the best excuse of your life to tell us what the hell is going on?" Eric leant forward and intertwined his fingers, looking into the camera that had been switched on.
"Mr Northman, why don't you start with why you've been selling vampire blood for the Queen?"

Thus began a long line of questioning from the authority and Eric told them all nothing but the truth. He begun with how Sophie-Anne demanded him to sell the V and that he had no choice. Leading into the Russell Edgington catastrophe that began with the retelling of his families slaughter at the hands of the werewolves Russell had control of all this time. Nesryn noticed Pam's shocked and forlorn expression, she had obviously never been told of Eric's family's death. As he led into the marriage between them and Russell's execution of the magister which landed his bar under fire, Nan stopped him from continuing on. She spoke through the headset cryptically, not giving any answers or verdicts away. She removed the device from her head and looked towards the two women who were the only people Eric cared about anymore.

"Unchain them." She said and rolled her eyes before standing, Eric doing so immediately after in shock of the mercy. "Mr Northman, the authority are granting you a chance to remove the problem. You have created this mess and the authority wants nothing to do with it, therefore, you will finish it. You will have your revenge." She said as she packed up her things, annoyance slithering in her tone.
"What do you mean?" Eric asked in puzzlement at her proclamation.
"You will remove the problem: you will kill Russell Edgington." Nan said, making her way toward the door. Eric said nothing before finally responding to her.
"What resources will the authority give me to defeat him?"
"None, they don't want to touch it. This is all down to you." Eric clenched his fists and looked away.
"He is three times my age!" He yelled and Nan's face didn't alter.

"You got yourself into this mess and it's down to you to get yourself out of it."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐘𝐍 ❦ 𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘮𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now