- 𝙙𝙪𝙨𝙠 '𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙙𝙖𝙬𝙣 -

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— I FLEW AROUND the house to stretch out my wings, the seclusion of the house allowing me to use them to their full potential as I drove myself high up into the atmosphere, the air thinning out like ageing hair. I hadn't felt fear nor pain nor change in the disposition of the warm blanket of a bond that still existed between Eric and I. I felt the dawn approaching and knew he was still alive and that was enough to make me relax slightly, but I knew we weren't out of the clearing yet. I lowered myself onto the roof and watched as the sun rose up from beneath the atmosphere, the orange light falling onto my surrounding and raising all the way up to my face. I shut my eyes when feeling the welcoming warmth cover me like a blanket of light. I felt serene for a moment...

before the burning.

I looked at my skin and there was no burning but it felt as if I was being roasted alive... and then I realised it wasn't me that was burning. I stood on the roof and launched myself up into the air and headed to where my senses took me. I looked around the surroundings of Fangtasia and noticed two bodies laying on the floor and frying in the sun. I swooped done and landed roughly before falling to my knees at Eric's side.

"My my, I see why you love her." Russell said from beside him and smiled at me before I noticed the silver cuffs binding their hands together. "Come then, take me inside." He said and I scoffed before using my light to break the cuffs and drag Eric inside. Pam rushed to me and inside I saw Bill feeding Sookie his blood before he looked up and took notice of me, the puzzled expression making me roll my eyes.
"Pam bite me." I held out my wrist and she unleashed her fangs to pierce into my vein. She pulled away and I placed my wrist to Eric's mouth and he drank as if derived to the brink of thirst. He clicked his fangs out and bit into my wrist ferociously, eyeing me with appreciative eyes.

"Hey." I muttered and stroked his hair and watched as his skin healed from the extensive burns. Eric removed his mouth from my skin and bit into his tongue to heal the wound. He lifted his hand to my face and wiped my eye where my eyes had watered. He leaned forward to stand and I helped him to do so, as did Pam. I looked around him and watched as Sookie and Bill stood in an embrace.
"Get him in." He muttered to me and stepped back in confusion and I looked to the door.
"What are you talking about?" I questioned before he pulled my face back to face him.
"Godric came to me, like Lucian did for you. He told me that if he dies now he will have peace, I can't allow him to have that." I shut my eyes and thought for a moment before nodding and going outside to find Russell burnt to a crisp. His skin was black and ashen and he was obviously near death. I thought for a moment whether I should allow him to die, but I trusted Eric. Hopefully it wouldn't be the death of us.

"Oh thank you Nesryn you-.."
"Shut up." I said as I dragged him into the bar.

"What now?"


Russell Edgington had been wrapped in silver chains like a burrito and buried in quick drying concrete beneath a construction site. Alcide was to thank for this.
"Alcide, it's good to see you again."
I said and he flickered his eyes to the wings on my back which I only now realised. I quickly put them away and smiled a little.
"Yeah, you too, how are you?" He asked in his usual gruff voice.
"I'm okay... thanks for helping us with all this business. We couldn't have done it without you and I'll see to it that you'll never have debts from us again." I smiled, as did he.
"So... you weren't lying about having wings huh?" He placed his hands in his pockets and I laughed.
"I don't lie to someone who deserves the truth." I said and he smirked a little. "I need to deal with someone."
I suddenly thought to Lucas and looked to Alcide who furrowed his brows. "Eric?" I announced and he came through the bar area.

"Where's Dumont?"

"I looked for him at Russell's place... he's gone."

"Eric, he will never be gone."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐘𝐍 ❦ 𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘮𝘢𝘯Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora