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— "WELL, NOW ALL THAT IS OUT IN THE OPEN, I'm going to go fetch a new wife and a telepath

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"WELL, NOW ALL THAT IS OUT IN THE OPEN, I'm going to go fetch a new wife and a telepath." Russell said, standing a throwing his napkin into the empty bowl of blood soup. Talbot slammed his fork down and we all turned to look at him.
"Excuse me?" He said gently before walking out of the room gracefully and mounting the stairs. Russell rolled his eyes at the royal consorts attitude toward the new wife.
"Mr Northman, come now, I'll fetch my wife and then we can deal with your... magister problem."
"Then I'm coming." Nesryn said, rising from the table and all turned to look at her. "His progeny is important to me... and frankly I hate the magister." Russell smirked at the woman's ferociousness and couldn't understand what she was. Not that he really cared, but she certainly was pretty look at and she smelled like freshly watered roses in sunlight.

They hopped in the limousine and made their way to Queen Sophie-Anne of Louisiana's house. Eric clutched Nesryn's hands the entire journey and Russell noticed their deep attachment to each other. Eric seemed extremely protective over the woman and he couldn't deny she did have a certain quality about her. A virtue perhaps, an untouchable feeling that even concerned him. He didn't know what she was and that meant he didn't know how to kill her if needed. He doubted he would struggle but it was rather exciting to come upon something new. Russell watched as Eric took her wrist and sunk his teeth into it. He moaned at the taste of the nectar-like blood and upon seeing it Russell's fangs came out. The mere smell of her was enough to drive a young vampire mad and Eric who was mad anyway, but it seemed that a vampire as strong as Russell also had a yearning for her.

Eric gazes up from her wrist where he fed and looked at Russell smiling slightly before looking to Nesryn. Russell raised his brow and slowly made his way over to her neck but she stopped him.
"I want to make a deal." She said and Russell clicked his fangs away to hear. "I want Eric to have the opportunity to kill Lucas, I believe you could give us that opportunity."
"And what would you give me in return?" Nesryn shook while doing so, but maintained as much composure while moving her hair from her neck.
"You'll finds me to be the best blood you've been drank, but you must stop. I'll use silver on you if I have to." He began to laugh at her.
"You think I'd let you kill an ally and friend for some blood." He laughed more and then Nesryn did too.
"My blood is no normal blood." Eric looked at her with alarm, scared of what she was doing. Russell leant back and studied her for a moment.
"I'll think about it, let's deal with these problems first." She nodded and Russell eyed her suspiciously.
When they arrived at Queen Sophie-Anne's house, I was advised to remain in the car by Eric but I decided against. I wanted to see this.

"Queen Sophie-Anne, it's always a pleasure." Russell said walking into Sophie-Anne's fake sunlight room. 
She stood from the large pile of scratch cards and looked at Russell with shock.
"You killed my guards!" She exclaimed and Russell chuckled.
"You'd be surprised about how willing they were." she folded her arms.
"Hadley?" Russell chuckled.
"Your human is safe for now."

Eric took Nesryn's hand and kissed it and she returned by stroking his face.
"Sookie and Alcide are gonna think that I'm dead." Eric stroked her face softly, her baby like skin being addictive.
"They won't soon." Nesryn furrowed her brows... before realising.

They turned their attention back to Russell.
"Will you do me the honour of being my wife Queen Sophie-Anne?" She scoffed one disbelief and placed her manicured hand over her eyes.
"I've refused you multiple times, why should I accept now?" She stated, obviously infuriated by his notion.
"Because not only will I never touch you, I will settle all your debts." Sophie-Anne held her hands on her hips and but her lips. "I also know about your little drug trade to settle them by yourself. Tut tut." Sophie turned to look at him with a smile.
"I've already pinned that on Northman... what else you got?" Russel stood from his one knee position and threw the romantic red rose to the ground.
"The IRS will imprison you for a long while if you don't pay em back Sophie, time is ticking. Tick tock tick to-..." Eric suddenly sped in and pinned Sophie-Anne to the floor by her neck, his fangs released. Sophie tried to fight back by releasing her own but it was no use.

"I'm over double your age, the only reason I didn't fight back last time out of respect... but you tried to frame me." He growled. "I will tear your head from your shoulders and throw it in the pool if you don't accept. Your choice." Sophie-Anne didn't move so Eric repositioned his hands on her neck. "So be it-..."
"Wait Mr Northman." He looked back at Russell who halted him and he stood up to be at his side.

Sophie clicked her fangs away and snarled and Russell held out his hands as if asking the question again.
She sighed and that was answer enough, Russell clapped and Eric looked at Nesryn in hiding who smiled a little.
"I'm sorry if I got a little carried away your majesty." He said to Russell but he shook his head.
"No no... I quite enjoyed that."
Eric didn't say anything for a moment but only met eyes with Nesryn with a little smile as if to reassure her.

"Let's deal with that
Magister problem."

𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐘𝐍 ❦ 𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘮𝘢𝘯Where stories live. Discover now